Take the public transport or a cab

The exact location is here.

Public Transport:

- Bus 347 - Stop "Stralauer Allee" - Schedule

- Metro (U-Bahn) U1 or U3 - Stop "Schlesisches Tor" + 5 minutes walk

- Fast Train (S-Bahn) - Stop "Ostbahnhof" + 15 minutes walk

Cabs in Berlin:

- regular cabs (yellow) - just stop them on the road - they always put the meter properly in Germany

- UberX - works well in Berlin, use the app to call it

- Berlkönig - Modern shared cab concept (note: operates only in central city districts) - use the app to call it

Other options:

- Car sharing services: Car2Go and DriveNow, use their respective apps to find a car close to you

- Bike sharing services

Parking options:

The location has a private parking with a parking fee. If you want to use it, please announce it to the location team by email: