Syafriani (Annie)

Born in 1985 in Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, Syafriani (called "Ani" by her friends, thus "Annie") now lives in paradise Bali, Indonesia. She is a ravishingly cheerful, unstoppably ambitious and very warm-hearted personality. She loves going out with her friends, massages, movies and her loving fiancé.

Robert Woll

Born in 1979 in Berlin, Germany, to his parents Ralf and Bettina (who will join the celebrations, of course), Robert is a cheerful, optimistic and multi-talented guy. In his next life he could become a teacher, personal trainer, preacher, or whatever. But instead he became a researcher,  did his PhD in computer science / engineering in 2017 and now works as a software consultant for Siemens, luckily being quite successful at it. He loves weight-lifting, fishing, his amazingly sweet daughter Sarah and, of course, his stellar fiancé Annie.

Nina Woll
Rob's 2-years younger sister and Annie's future sister-in-law. Coming straight from Quebec, Canada, to join the celebrations. 
Robert Elsell
Rob's former school mate, honorable member of the "three musceteers", and knowledgeable about all of Rob's secrets (note: don't ask him!). Everything he does turns out to be perfect, he's the most kind-hearted guy one could imagine and like a brother to Rob.

Without him Rob would have never met Annie! He's the one saying "let's go" and making things happen. Rob's old youthhood friend, always bringing in fun and one of his two closest all-time buddies.

Sebastian Linzmair
Best colleague and best man! When Rob and Sebastian are not spending time in the gym, they are plotting secret plans how to take over control over their company! 
Ismael Dua

Rob's former school mate and secret love (if he wasn't into women). He makes every event special and saves even hopeless situations. Creative, stirring and impossible to dislike. Who else would be a better Master of the Ceremony?!