It all started here... October 2017 on Bali, in paradise, where we met for the first time.

An epic holiday of 3 buddies

...that turned out to change two people's lifes.

Chilling on the villa couch...

...on a sunny afternoon, just two days before leaving, Robert switched on his phone and tried some online dating... luckily this late in holiday otherwise his buddies would have hated him for what happened then...

...because then he saw HER
And she saw HIM

That poser ;D

And it was a match!

...and the last 1,5 days they would spend together like in a fever dream.

What followed...

...were countless video calls. And what started as the most beautiful holiday romance, turned into something more serious day by day. Until there was no other option: they had to meet again!!!

7 months later...

...and there they were: reunited again. In sunny Berlin, in the beautiful month of May, ready for what should become their first amazing trip together.

Through beautiful Germany
...through sweet France
visiting friends in Switzerland
Further to amazing Italy
...gorgeous Vienna
Having fun in Prague
And back to good ol' Germany
...and still: whatta match!!!
But nothing lasts forever...

...when you're on a distance relationship. And so they had to let go of each other. Anticipating, promising, hankering to see each other again.

5 months of waiting for this...
And here they were again...

Back in beautiful Bali! In November 2018, for her birthday weekend.

For a romantic time...
And then she said YES!
Approval for the sweet couple...


Followed by another good bye =(

Yeah, everyone, this is distance relationship life: an exciting roller coaster!

OMG, how many messages were sent
And answered...

...every single day! So many sweet words and thoughts, carrying them over those long times of missing each other. Until...

They got back together finally..

... in December 2018 in Berlin, for their last holiday together before they would finally be with each other forever.

Living it up!
And starting into year 2019
with friends!
One last good bye...
Before they will be married
And celebrate with all of you!