Naim Allen Spencer Oliver

Nothing about getting here has been easy, but it's all been worth it.
Me and mommy getting together.
Mommy getting her master’s degree.
Daddy getting his master’s degree.
And now you.
With all these degrees the one thing that has taken longer to Master for both Mommy and Daddy is letting go of what was supposed to be, or how we wanted it to be and embracing the possibilities.
One day, you will ask how you got here and like most stories worth telling it won’t be easy but like you, it will be worth it.
So, I will start at the end and make my way to the beginning:

Naim Allen Spencer Oliver
Three thousand four hundred and two.
. That’s how many miles Mommy and Daddy drove just for the chance to get you here. We drove in rain, in snow, in heat, before the sun came up most days, all for you.
34 doctor’s appointments
3 Cycles of IUI
2 years after moving
0 chances we would ever give up on getting you.

And now you’re soooooo close.

Mommy trusted Daddy when we left everything and everyone we knew. I thought I was just coming to become a better actor, but we needed this move to create space for our family.
On April 1, 2018 we got some of the most difficult news we would ever receive.
I wrote a poem that day because I thought there wouldn't be a mini me
I was crushed to think
that the family your mom and I dreamed of might never be
then I remember a poem God had given to to me about your mommy
He reminded me to see the beauty in His plan and His design, even when it’s not consistent with mine.
Like our relationship, you were not conventional in creation, but you were intentional.

