Co-Maid of Honor

Tina... T-Dog... just some of the nicknames that's come out of our hilarious memories together.  Some of the best times have been the two of us uncontrollably laughing for no reason as it may appear to outsiders.  One of my favorite memories had us almost crashing my car on I-35 because the two of us had been laughing non-stop for 15 minutes and we couldn't see through the tears anymore.  She's one of my biggest supporters, attending numerous events where I've sang.  She's always available day or night if helps needed, whether it's a phone call or driving up for girls night.  Theresa knows how to have fun, she is fiercely loyal to those she loves, and she's been one of my best friends all the way from elementary school to being roommates in college.  


Co-Maid of Honor

Brenna Annette Moe, or BAM.  We grew up with our lockers next to each other almost every year, from elementary to senior year, but became best friends as college roommates.  There are few people in the world who know Devyn as well as Brenna, or have laughed at the dramatic cat video as many as times.  Winning every possible game of Rockband, singing every song at the Garth Brooks concert, watching cat videos until 4 am, stocking shelves at Fareway, we have made mundane things into awesome experiences and awesome experiences into legendary stories.  Brenna encourages everyone around her to be a little more brave and adventurous (I'm thinking of a certain rock climbing gym, Brenna).  There's no quitting when it comes to Brenna Moe.  A big gentle heart behind a tough exterior, she is the definition of a best friend. 


Aunt of the Bride

"Auntie Lala" has been my best friend and role model since I was born.  She was a big sister growing up, taking me to get my first highlights at a real salon!  A confidant when teenage Devyn thought her parents could never understand her, and a great cheerleader through all facets of life.  The only time I can remember her ever getting mad was when I was supposed to be navigating us through the cities and got us lost in the middle of a thunderstorm (key fact, Paula hates driving in the rain).  As a little girl of 4 or 5, I remember the family band, "Somethin' Country" rehearsing at Grandma's house, and I remember Paula sharing the microphone with me for my favorite Patsy Cline song, "You Belong to Me."  I'm pretty sure that's how it became my favorite song.  I practically lived at her house after school, and cherish every day I make it back there.  We asked a lot of Paula for the wedding, she's pulling double duty as bridesmaid and vocalist.  We're so happy you'll all be able to hear her talent!


Cousin of the Bride

Paula's youngest and only daughter, she's the little sister I always wanted that my parents refused to give me! ;)  At 10 years old going on 25, Hillary is smart and funny, kind but stubborn, and a superstar in the making.  With the strength of her older brothers, humor of her dad, and the heart of her mom, she is one of a kind.  She's a good sport who always lets me do her hair when I'm visiting, and she gives great fashion advice.  A future veterinarian, she loves animals and even tries to love our mean cat despite him not loving her at all.  I can't wait to watch her grow into a beautiful young lady, and am so happy she said yes to being a bridesmaid... even though she had no idea what that meant!   


Aunt of the Bride

Beth is the sweetest person I think I have ever met, fitting because she is a fantastic baker of sweets!  I've always felt like Beth's more of a big sister than an aunt.  She gives fantastic advice, even if I haven't always listened ("get those Mayo years during nursing school, Devyn!").  She is so much fun and always seems like she's having a great day even if it's snowing on a Monday.  When I sang with my uncle Mark's band in Rochester, she tried to teach me to dance and have more fun on stage, despite me being completely uncoordinated and stiff.  She's another great cheerleader in my life, and I know I can always count on her to be honest in what she thinks and says.  We are so happy she will be standing with us on our wedding day!


Sister-in-law of the Bride

My new sister-in-law.  Fallyn has been with my brother for several years now, and has been a perfect fit since day one.  She is genuine and down to earth, kind and quick-witted.  She's multi-talented, a superstar softball player, fantastic cook, and a phenomenal crafter making all of her own wedding decorations.  I'm so proud of her for all of her successes and especially for the biggest one, being able to stay sane being married to my brother!  ;) Fallyn has a huge heart and loves the kids she works with as a social worker, and she'll be a great mom to my future nieces and nephews.  She's another person I can always count on to be completely honest in what she says.  We are so happy to have her by our sides on our wedding day!


Friend of the Bride

One of my oldest friends, she has seen it all, from elementary recess running around pretending to be wolves, to middle school jam sessions, to the struggles of young adults trying to make it on their own, our friendship has always persevered.  Together we fell in love with My Chemical Romance, raved about the new Harry Potter books each year, and shared in some true coming of age moments.  I am so honored to stand next to her as she ties the knot a little over a month before us.  We are so happy she will be able to be a part of our day as well, traveling all the way from California!


Friend of the Bride

A fellow cat lover, Anna and Devyn bonded over middle school lunch one day and have been friends ever since.  Geneticist, adventurer, this girl has been busy these last few years traveling the globe, but her friendship is like no time has passed every time we get the chance to get together.  High school game nights, Ghost Adventure marathons, and even pre-calculus are some of our favorite memories together.  Anna's a realist who endorses big dreams for everyone.  She's always encouraged me and believed I could do whatever I wanted.  A bride-to-be herself, we are so happy she can join us for our big day all the way from North Carolina while juggling grad school and her own wedding planning.


Cousin of the Bride
Aubrey at the young age of 4, is a little firecracker who loves to sing and dance.  Spunky, and independent, this sweet girl can "do it myself" when it comes to her flower girl duties.  As an experienced flower girl, Aubrey is sure to steal the show.  
Best Man
The best man is truly a good man and best friend.  Supportive and encouraging, Rob and Mike have been coworkers and business partners for several years.  Rob and his family were some of Mike's first friends Devyn met and from day one have always been so welcoming.  
Ryan is one of Mike's best friends and stemmed from childhood. Being the only boy in his class of 7 during elementary school, Mike didn't have any guy friends when he transitioned into Lake Region High School which is made up of 16 towns. Ryan and Mike became close friends from the start of Freshman year. They have enjoyed off-roading, partying, videotaping their shenanigans through high-school, etc. With living 1200 miles apart, Mike and Ryan always find time to reconnect when he visits Vermont and continue to have a long-term strong friendship. 

Our former roommate and one of Mike's best friends, John has known us as a couple from the beginning.  

John is the life of the party.  He always has a smile on his face and is a great host to everyone.  We are so excited for him and his fiance, Taryn, to begin planning their own upcoming nuptials!  


Steve is an exuberant friend who can make a total stranger feel comfortable at first meet.  Steve and his wife Carrie are two of the most fun, down-to-earth people we know.  A fellow investment enthusiast and Fleetwood Mac fan, Mike and Steve have so much in common, it was obvious they would be fast friends when they met.  

Mike and David's friendship started when they started working together as nurses. They are both determined individuals and really took their jobs seriously when working together. When Mike moved to the cities, David followed (not intentionally). They continued to work at Mayo and commuted together back and forth from Mayo to the cities. After Mike moved back down to Rochester, they continued to maintain a good friendship. They are both avid anglers and love to fly fish for steelhead, salmon, and trout. 

Mike met Tom during RN orientation in 2010. They enjoy golfing on occasion and doing some camping on the north shore. Even when Mike was going through some difficulties, Tom was there to help him. 

Brother of the Bride

Growing up with Andy, our parents never knew if they were going to come home to us playing as a team or beating each other up.  Thankfully, as adults, we are more like best friends.  I trust him implicitly.  Even though he lives almost 5 hours from us, he's always one call away.  I can't count how many times Andy has answered calls about car issues or just late night calls to talk.  Though he likes to put on a tough exterior, Andy has a huge heart that fiercely loves and defends those he deems worthy.  We are so proud of who he is and are so thankful we're some of the people he loves.  We're so happy to have him stand with us on our wedding day! 


Brother of the Groom
Gavin is Michael's brother and continues to be a friend and supporter of Mike. They had a happy childhood together and would bike all over the countryside, build forts, go on swimming trips, and generally like to spend outdoors together. With Gavin living in Portland, they still keep in contact often and have a strong bond and love for each other.
John (Unable to Attend)
John has been a long time friend of Mike since they started nursing school together in Maine. They have been able to stay connected through the years and count on each other for lifetime advice. They have each others backs through thick or thin. 
Brett (Unable to Attend)
Brett is a long-time friend and 'partner in crime' when Mike started nursing school in Maine. They met when they were assigned as roommates in Freshman year. They bonded from the start and made Freshman year the greatest year of college. They definitively had their times of mischief and chaos amongst the dorms and always like to make each other laugh. Brett is a strong, determined, and thoughtful person who has always been there for Mike and has his back. 
Cousin of the Bride

Sweet and sour, Ryan is the true definition of a sour patch kid!  Finishing 1st grade this spring, Ryan is inquisitive but also a comedian.  He "loves to make people laugh."  Already a seasoned veteran of weddings, he takes his ring bearer duties seriously, but will be looking for all the ladies on the dance floor when he's done.

Cousin of the Bride

Colton is the newest member to the Peterson clan.  While he has yet to learn to crawl, let alone walk, we are so excited for this happy babe to be a part of our day!

Cousin of the Bride

I was 8 when Casey was born, and I've always considered him and his brother to be more like little brothers instead of cousins.  As the oldest, Casey was the first baby I ever got to babysit!  As a kid, he was bright and inquisitive, but he always wanted to play sports if someone was willing to throw a ball to him.  Today, he's almost a senior in high school and is having a blast as a star athlete.  He's goofy and lovable, sarcastic but gullible, and always means well.  He's a hard worker who does great at whatever he sets his mind to.  We're so proud of the person Casey has and will continue to become.  Look for Casey to be driving one of the golf carts around the venue giving people rides to the ceremony.


Cousin of the Bride

I was 10 when Brady was born, and after years of babysitting, I've always considered him and his brother more like little brothers instead of cousins.  Now the middle kid, Brady was the baby for almost 6 years before his sister was born.  As a kid he was goofy and funny, but as a teen he's wise and contemplative beyond his years.  If you can get him to crack though, that same hilarious kid is in there.  Brady is going to be a sophomore in 2020 and is a star athlete like his brother.  He's a natural at almost everything he tries, and remains modest and kind.  We are so proud of the person he's becoming.  Look for Brady to be driving the second golf cart around the venue before the ceremony!


Friend of the Couple

Taryn, one of our old roommates, remains a good friend to this day.  She is sweet and kind, and so generous.  A smile always on her face, she makes everyone else around her happier.  We are so proud of her for her journey to become a nurse practitioner, and know she will be do great work.  As Hank, our dog's, second mom, we owe her a lot for dog-sitting and loving him so much, and even trying to help with our grumpy cat.  We are so excited to have her as an honored guest!

Friend of the Bride
Sam is one of the funniest people I know.  When she moved to Lake Mills in middle school, she instantly fit in with almost every person she met.  I am so glad she chose to be friends with our group of gals and remains a great pal to this day.  As she got married and became a parent first, she has kind of become a mom of our gal group, which is perfect because she gives great advice!  We are so happy she will be a special guest!
Friend of the Bride

Josey Jean and I were destined to be friends with our mamas as close as sisters growing up.  We became friends before we could crawl, with photo evidence to prove it.  From elementary recess to high school prom shenanigans, Josey has seen and helped me transition through almost every phase of life.  We are so happy to have her as an honored guest.

Friend of the Couple
Carrie and Mike met as Summer III interns at Mayo.  Her and her husband have been great friends to Mike since and Devyn loved them from their first meeting.  Carrie makes complete strangers feel welcome and have so much fun.  We are so grateful to have a friend like Carrie, and excited she can be a special guest on our wedding day.

Pulling double duty as a bridesmaid, she's got it all.  Singing since before she could form full sentences (according to people who were there), and being in the family band for almost 25 years, she's a true professional.  Singing with her in the family band and our girls trio the last 8 years has been my little kid dream come true.  Ask her to sing any vocalist, any genre, she can do it.  She taught me the first song I can remember, "You Are My Sunshine."  Who else would I want to sing at my wedding?!


Guitar, Sound

My uncle Mark is a man of many skill sets.  A talented drummer, guitarist, vocalist, plus the man behind the scenes of our sound, he can do almost anything.  For the wedding, he's graciously agreed to run sound while lending his skills on guitar for a couple songs.  Mark is part of the family band, and him and I were in another band in Rochester for awhile.  It's his fault I know as much alternative rock/pop like Soul Asylum in addition to other 90's staples.  Who else would I want to play at my wedding?!



Mom.  I think that says it all.  With a love for rock n' roll and country, she channels her inner Janis Joplin when needed or can emulate one of her favorites, Linda Ronstadt.  She's been singing with "Somethin' Country" for almost 30 years!  I have been able to sing with her for the last 8 years in the family band and our girls trio.  She's responsible for my exposure to the 80's-90's hair bands I love, plus my respect for the band Heart.  Who else would I want to sing at my wedding?!


Friend of the Couple
Trishul has been a close friend of Mike's for quite some time. They both have an innovative mindset and like to brainstorm solutions in healthcare. They recently went to Stockholm, Sweden to present at a healthcare competition. While in Sweden, Trishul and others, helped arrange the proposal between Mike and Devyn. He assisted with arranging the location, the photography/videography, and setting up the props. If it wasn't for him, the proposal would not have gone according to plan. Devyn & Mike decided to have Trishul as our Officiant because of his knowledge of them, strong friendship, and his ability to relay to others.