Jessica Sardiña
Matron of Honor

Jess and I met in sixth grade and our friendship is one I will always cherish. Our weekly dates of painting our nails, watching the Bachelor/Bachelorette and cooking together for many years is what has kept me sane. To sum it up, she is the Rachel to my Monica (Friends reference for those who don't know)! She is the true definition of everything a best friend is.

Suhanya Thana
Bridesmaid & Sister

Growing up, my sister and I were always together, whether it was playing as kids or partying as adults! I loved going into her room, practically every day, just to talk about life and watch tv. She has always been my protector since I was a baby.

Sharon Allen
Sharon and I hit it off since the day we met my senior year of high school. We are the same human being in two different bodies, who have the same birthday on top of it! Getting froyo is our happy place together and you definitely won’t hear from us for hours because we are to busy chatting away!
Kristen Csizmadia
Kristen and I have known each other since the third grade. Kristen is definitely the funniest in the group and no matter what kind of day you’re having, will have you laughing uncontrollably. She brings so much joy to those around her and always has inspired me.
La’ Tonya Jones
Tonya and I have been friends since we were eight years old! The amount of codenames, inside jokes, and songs we have together are countless. She is wise beyond her years and I have learned so much from her. I am so lucky to have her in my life!
Mydili Nemeth
Where do I even start? Mai is the little sister that I have always wanted. We have been through a lot together to say the least. She is one of the people in my circle that I can always count on to be there whenever and wherever. Our sense of humor is similar, which always makes any time that we hang together such a great night!
Rizwan Awwal

Riz and Ankur have been friends for nearly 20 years! Over the years, they've opened businesses together, created disruptive marketing trends, launched podcasts, traveled the world, and, most importantly, made memories together.

Fun Fact: Riz taught Ankur how to DJ and together they're one of the best DJ'ing duos that have ever been on the scene.

Shahan Rizvi
Groomsman & Fraternity Big Brother
Literally, Ankur's fraternity Big Brother, Shahan, and Ankur have been attached at the hip since 2005. Together they've left their mark on the political landscape of MD (2 for 2 in elections) and in the hearts of everyone that gets to see them interact together.
Mohsin Hussain

Very few people in the world exude genuine brotherhood and friendship the way Mohsin Hussain does. Ankur met Mohsin in 2006 and in 2013 they became co-workers/neighbors and quickly grew to become lifelong friends.

Fun Fact: Together these two have built over 100 websites.

Liron Binshtock

Liron and Ankur have been friends for nearly 20 years. Together they travel from restaurant to restaurant to live out their foodie dreams while talking about life, technology, and pop culture.

Fun Fact: Both Liron and Ankur are Yelp! Elite Squad reviewers.

Karran Gupta
Groomsman & Cousin

The closest thing to a little brother in Ankur's life, these two grew up together in NJ! Together they own a conglomerate of companies that launch direct-to-consumer brands and invest in startups..

Fun Fact: Karran "Baby Bro" Gupta would use Ankur's old ID to get into bars at college!

Ajay Gupta
Groomsman & Cousin

Pretty sure these guys used to get their diapers changed together... or at least chased each other as toddlers while growing up. These two have remained close over the years and are excited to celebrate at the wedding.

Fun Fact: Ankur grew up spending summers with Ajay in Delaware and that is where Ankur's nickname Ace was born.