Ching Chen
Maid of Honor
Ching is Sy-yu's younger sister (aka they have known each other their whole lives). Sy-yu always made sure Ching was hip with the current trends, from making her first AIM screenname, creating her first email, making Ching's xanga, and getting her facebook.

Growing up, Sy-yu always felt Ching was naturally better at everything. Ching was the faster swimmer, faster runner, better dancer in ballet, and had better Chinese. They did the same after school activities and had a great childhood with one another.

Ching was always someone Sy-yu turned to, especially during her obsession with the Backstreet Boys, A Walk to Remember, and One Direction phase. When Sy-yu couldn't sleep after watching a scary movie, she would always go to Ching's room and bother her throughout the night. Sy-yu occasionally acts as the older sister, by buying Ching new clothes, taking her out to eat at new restaurants, getting Broadway and concert tickets, and planning family vacations.

Ching is currently a pharmacy student studying away in Baltimore.
Angela Wang
Syyu and Angela first met through their summer internship at Ernst & Young after their third year of college...and their lives have never been the same! Their friendship truly formed when they found comfort in one another during their slight crush with Peeta Mallark after watching the Hunger Games.

Angela considers herself extremely lucky to be able to spend every day/night with Syyu - as they are roommates in New York City! In the home that they have built together, they can often be found giggling with each other as they binge-watch Netflix series, obsess over the Hadid/Kardashian empires, and deepen their knowledge of Bachelor Nation, all while eating Chinese take-out from their favorite restaurant in Murray Hill and Hell's Kitchen! Sy-yu can not imagine having anyone else as a roommate in NYC and is blessed they get to share all these memories and experiences together in the big apple!

Angela is currently an MBA student at Columbia.
Catherine Liow
Catherine and Sy-yu first met during high school freshman year orchestra class, where they became friends thanks to shared enthusiasm for steak, boy bands, and the TV show Charmed.

Sy-yu is Catherine's favorite meal buddy and has accompanied her on numerous afternoon snack outings, BBQs, buffets, and second dinner adventures.

Over the past 14 years, they have created countless memories exploring new cities across the world, from watching cabaret at the Moulin Rouge in Paris, riding gondolas in Venice to partying down Bourbon Street in New Orleans and powering up the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu.

Catherine works for an energy regulatory agency in DC.
Cristina Chow
Syyu and Cristina made it Facebook official in 2006 of high school, but their friendship truly formed in college when they were both studying Accounting and were in Sigma Psi Zeta together.

Syyu and Cristina have had many fun adventures soaking up the sun in places like the Dominican Republic, Miami (x3), Ocean City, and Vegas, all while arguing who's better: Jess vs. Dean, Damon vs. Stefan, Ravens vs. Redskins.

Despite their differing opinions, the two always have a blast stealing secret drinks, standing in bathroom lines, and stressing over fantasy football together (even though Syyu always wins)!

Both CPA's, Cristina and Syyu would understand each other's pain studying for the CPA exam, dealing with frustrating clients in public accounting, and now dealing with frustrating auditors at their respective companies. Syyu always trusts Cristina to figure out restaurant bills and calculate group expenses when they travel, and is glad she never has to do any math when Cristina is there.

Cristina currently lives in North Bethesda and is an Accounting Manager at a real estate investment trust.
Jennifer Yang
Syyu and Jen met at the University of Maryland through sorority events where they discovered a shared love of potatoes and cheese.

Jen followed in Syyu's footsteps and majored in Finance and Accounting, and then started a career at one of the Big Four firms. Two years after college, Sy-yu and Jen both moved to their respective dream cities they've always talked about moving to after college - NYC and SF respectively.

Through the years, they have kept in touch despite living on opposite coasts and taken many trips together including Machu Picchu, New Orleans, and hiking in Yosemite.

Jen is honored to have spent the weekend with Syyu and Anthony when they got engaged in San Francisco on that cloudy day in August. She is so excited for their life together as a married couple and know that their ESFJ and ISFP selves are perfect for each other.

Jen currently lives in San Francisco and works as an auditor at Deloitte.
Jessie Tsai
Syyu and Jessie have been the best of friends ever since they first met at Cabin John Middle School in 7th grade.

Over the years, they have navigated through semi-awkward middle school & high school years and stayed side by side throughout all four fun years at Maryland (go Terps!).

Together, they have created beautiful music in countless orchestras, joined a sorority, survived the dorms, and traveled the world from Miami to Peru.

Even though they now live on opposite coasts, they stay connected through their undying love for the Backstreet Boys, stalking celebrities on social media, and high quality reality TV shows, including anything touching the Bachelor franchise.
Nancy Liu
Syyu and Nancy have known each other for 14 years, first meeting in the halls of Wootton High School freshman year.

They instantly bonded over their love of food, BSB, One Tree Hill and Bugaboo Creek Steakhouse. Since then, they've spent countless summers at the Willows pool, explored LA/Disneyland, tanned in Miami, and obsessed over Totto in NYC.

Nancy currently lives in Alexandria, VA and works in risk management at Deloitte.
Andrew Shen
Best Man
Andy and Anthony are brothers from the same mother. Andy looks up to his little brother -- especially Anthony's prodigious food intake and his timeless "that's what she said jokes." In a few short years, Andy will finally be gainfully employed as a house sitter for one of Anthony's many vacation homes.

Andrew Shen is a partner at a law firm in DC.
Austin Ihm
Austin and Anthony have known each other since freshmen year of high school. He is currently an aspiring film director in Los Angeles.

Memories include
- watching 24,
- posting up at 7-Eleven trying to figure out what to -do
- eating General Tso's chicken
- Dying Anthony's hair blonde in high school
- watching the Maury Show
Alex Pan
Anthony and Alex have been homies since before they could walk. You can find them playing jungle pong at the club, watching WWE SmackDown, or bumping Dre 2001.

Alex lives in Los Angeles and works in Corporate Development at Sony Pictures
Duncan Chou
Duncan and Anthony met at Herbert Hoover Middle School. They grew to be best friends through their childhood dream of becoming USA Ping Pong olympians. It was a memorable time growing up because they always competed together as a team.

"Anthony always had my back and to this day is one of my best friends. I look up to him in life and am so grateful for our friendship" - Duncan Chou
Eddie Tao
Anthony and Eddie have been friends since high school and share a love/hate relationship for the Washington Redskins (buying season tickets together = worst decision ever made).

They can be found in front of a TV screaming at Kirk Cousins, or alternatively chowing down on some Korean Barbecue at Iron Age.

Eddie is currently attaining his MBA at Northwestern's Kellogg School of Management in Chicago.
Kevin Hsu
Tony and Kevin have known each other since nursery school and their friendship has only grown from there.

You can probably catch them eating korean bbq or drinking some beers while they cheer for the Terps & Redskins just to pull out a win. They enjoy going on last second planned vacation trips or lounging.

Kevin is currently a Senior Associate at KPMG in New York City.
Vincent Cheng
Vincent and Anthony both grew up in Potomac, Maryland and have known each other since middle school. They've been through endless hours of beer pong at Vincent's house, football games, and real talk. Lots of real talk. Anthony makes it known that he likes Ledos Pizza and watches the Maury Show.

Vincent currently lives in Los Angeles and is the Vice President of Production and Development and Producer @ Millennium Films.