Our first official date

 “The butterflies that come with looking at this picture just makes my heart melt. It was in this moment, from conversations to the constant laughter when I knew he would sweep me off my feet. I did not want this date to end.” ~Shawna

On this date I remember Shawna eating and I'm looking at her; saying to myself, "she is so pretty and has such a beautiful spirit". In this moment that kiss was an expression of how happy and pleased I was. I am excited that I have finally found a young woman that I can love and share the love that God has showed me. ~Gus

Our first trip to Buffalo

I was so excited to introduce Gus to my home town Ruff Buff lol. He got a chance to taste real “Pizza and Chicken Wings”.

My first birthday with my love

My 37th birthday brought me so much joy knowing he’s mine. Gus planned an entire weekend involving my family and closest friends. I remember feeling so overwhelmed with love, and at this moment... I realized only God could send me someone this special. 

The moment I knew

Shawna’s 37th Birthday was special to me because this was the first birthday that we celebrated together. As we sat next to each other surrounded by friends and family, I remember looking at her and saying to myself "this young lady is so special, pretty and amazingly beautiful". This night was so special to me because it was the night I knew I wanted Shawna to be my Wife. Since that day, I will always strive to make her birthday special and something she will always remember.

Gus first Cruise