Level 1 - College Life

They met 8 years ago at Arizona State University (go Sun Devils!). At the time, they were both hired to be community assistants for the freshman dorms, Hassayampa West. As the 2 new hires, in a already tight knit crew, they bonded quickly. They went from strangers in January to inseparable in April... 

The next 2 years of college were a whirlwind! They met each others families, road tripped from Atlanta back to Phoenix (in a VERY small 2013 Fiat 500), and finally graduated together in May of 2014. 

Level 2 - Long Distance

He was in LA and she was in Texas. He was working in entertainment and she was working at getting into medical school. There were lots of phone calls, texts, Skype calls and plane tickets...

(Honestly these 2 years sucked, but they got through it cause they're badass)

Level 3 - Together Again!

In the fall of 2015 they were together again! This time in cozy and dusty West Texas. He started working on his MBA and she was studying hard in medical school. 

These were the days of late night study sessions, weekend events at Texas Tech, and driving at least 6 hours to visit the nearest major city. No matter what they did, at the end of the day, they preferred being together, comfortable, and at home. 

in Lubbock, they met some of their closest friends and rescued a grey fuzzy kitten: Pixel!

Level 4 - Match Day

Fourth year of medical school is primarily about finding a job. That meant a long application and a lot of conversations about where they saw themselves in a year. They looked at LA, Chicago, Phoenix, Dallas, Indianapolis, Atlanta, Miami, New York and more! By February they had submitted a list of their top places and then they waited...

On March 16th, 2018 it was revealed that they were moving to... New York! In just a few short months they were going to pack their things, sell their cars and start a new chapter in one of the biggest cities in the world.

Level 5 - A Question

They hadn't been in New York 2 months when he started acting very strangely...

A mysterious box was delivered to the front door and she was NOT allowed to open it under any circumstances. On a humid Saturday, following a rainy Friday night, we left our place in the Bronx to have a walk around Central Park and dinner in the city. He had the mystery box in tow with a bright red ribbon on top. The park was crawling with people and it was hard to hear each other over the sound of 30 different conversations and laughing children. 

They left the park to go to a small Italian restaurant on the Upper West Side... the food was delicious! But she was still not allowed to open that mystery box. It was dark after dinner and the streets were much quieter. The air was cool and crisp. They headed back to the park, which was poorly lit by the scattered park lamps. Under one of the lamps by the highest natural point in the park (Summit Rock) she finally opened the box to reveal a photo book of the last 7 years together. A wonderful compilation of all the time they spent together, all the trips and all the smiles and on the last page was written...

"Will you marry me?"