How we met...

We met like how most people meet nowadays, via an app. It's called The League and basically it's Tinder for people who have jobs. Despite swiping left the first time, Chelsea couldn't resist going on a date with an Asian doctor. It was mostly to satisfy her mother, but ultimately he wooed her with sushi and Pimm's on tap. It was the Negronis and piano serenade which cemented her decision though on the second date. Chelsea is really into fitness so Randy bought a Peloton during the pandemic so that Chelsea would come over. And it worked. 

The Engagement

It was Randy's birthday and the two of us decided to go to Napa. And even though we ended up convincing all of Chelsea's friends to come with, she didn't figure out that something was up. It was mostly because Randy purchased a decoy Porsche the month before to throw her off. Certainly there is no way he could afford a ring... but she didn't know he'd been eating ramen noodles for months prior. 

Well, Napa was amazing and at the final winery of the day, Randy forced Chelsea to take a photo. When he turned towards her and stared lovingly into her eyes, Chelsea's initial response was "why are you being so weird?" But after she saw the ring, she quickly changed her tune. After all, it was very shiny. She said yes and the rest is history.