Tweet Me Baby One More Time


I honestly don't remember why I thought it was a good idea to reach out to a guy on Twitter after hearing about how great we'd be for one another over a year prior. For weeks our messages were far and few between until I decided to schedule a Skype date. He took one look at me and that was all she wrote! We talked all day ever-y-day from that moment forward. Shortly after our "date" he decided to drive 2 hours to see me face-to-face. We met at a mall and when he got out of the car he embraced me and said, "well, nice to finally meet you!"

Love At First Skype


My line brother told me about this chick from Alabama that would be perfect for me. I blew it off several times, but this random night we somehow ended up chatting on twitter. She blew me up from that point on of course. Twitter chats turned into phone calls and text. I was impressed by her personality and conversation, but I wasn't completely sold because her twitter picture was fuzzy so I didn't know what I was getting myself into. One night I was just getting off of work and we decided to Skype each other for the first time. It was a wrap from that point. She was the one. I was already sold by her personality, conversation, she was smart, the list goes on, but when I saw her it was a done deal. She had to be mine. I was never the type to go out of my way for a girl, but for her I was ready to make a trip to Birmingham whenever she asked. On my first visit to Birmingham we somehow ended up at Burger King on 280. I ordered a Whopper with cheese combo but I really didn't want the fries but oh well I'll take them. I asked her what she wanted, and she said I really just want an order of fries and a water. That was the icing on the cake, she is definitely the one, we complete each other. We can survive off of one combo. The rest was history.

The Proposal

Genesis 2:24: “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh."

I knew it was time for me to pack up my things in Mississippi and start the next phase of my life. Gabby and I both loved the idea of possibly living in Nashville, TN, but she fell in love with a great church and school in Birmingham. At that point, I was thinking I'd get a jump start in Nashville. I had my heart dead set on moving there and that was my only option. After submitting tons of job applications I wasn’t having any luck, so Gabby suggested I try something in Birmingham. I was thinking "no way", but the Lord saw differently. I applied to one job in Birmingham and a few days later I had my first interview. Two weeks later I had the job. So guess what? I’m headed to Birmingham to be closer to my future wife.

The Preparation

Once I had the ring in hand I was able to continue with my proposal plans. I had already gotten my blessing from her parents, told a couple of her siblings, and made a video for her to watch during the proposal.

The Proposal

It was November 23rd, Thanksgiving, the day before she turned the “Dirty 30”. I went to Mississippi to spend Thanksgiving morning with my family for a little while, but mostly to tell them about the proposal later that night and to calm my nerves a little. I made plans to spend the afternoon/evening with the Cunningham’s. They all knew what was ahead, while Gabby just thought I was late arriving. She had no idea what was about to take place. When I got there, I guess I was so anxious, that about 15 mins after arriving I was signaling to everyone "it’s time"! I broke out the video I made for her. By the end of the video there I was on one knee, with a shaking voice, asking her to be my wife. She said yes! I was all smiles and full of joy.