Erin Behzadian
Maid of Honor
Erin is my older sister and my very first friend. She is the most loyal person I know and no matter what she will always have my back. I love her with all my heart. Memories include: getting chased around the house while I scream my head off, bedtime movie sleepovers, making whirlpools in the pool & eating all her delicious food.
Teresa Fleming
T is my best friend. The love that I have for this girl is so deep and will last forever. She will always be apart of my life and not just because we made a promise to each other over 10 years ago. Memories include: singing Mariah Carey on the way to morning practice, teaching her how to shake her booty, hysterically laughing till we cry, watching Aladdin while we nap, ordering $20 worth of del taco almost every day after practice, car dancing & family dinners.
Chelsea Gentry
Chelsea is my ride or die. She has never and will never judge me. She knows all my deepest darkest secrets and I will forever trust her with them. She has such an amazing way at looking at life and is always there to show me a different more positive view. Memories include: Lots of dancing by ourselves on any dance floor we could find, eating full loaves of french bread dipped in butter & not remembering nights of memories.
Jo Wulffenstein
Jo and I met one amazing summer in Alaska. I knew from the moment I met her that she would be a forever friend. She has such a great heart and a beautiful soul. Anyone that has ever met her has fallen in love with her including myself. Memories include: living in her small one bedroom together, hysterically laughing every morning when recapping our nights, many basketball games & lots of fun travel trips.
Juliet Valdez
Juliet and I met when I first moved to Portland 4 years ago. She has always been such an amazing friend to me. She is so kind and giving and is always there when I need someone. Memories include: that one time we thought we could be classpass video bloggers, that one AMAZING 90s night, traveling to South America and India & lots of dancing.
Trish Crawley
Trish is my girl. We also met while I was in Portland and she and her adorable family have always been so welcoming to Mike and I. She has the best heart but will also stab someone if they mess with any of her girls. She has something about her that everyone loves but no one will cross. I wish I could be more like her. Memories include: Dramatic dinner parties at her house, hikes with the doggies, what do you meme and wine nights, dancing our butts off and weird jokes.
Tiffany Weeks
Holy sh*t, I love this girl. Tiff and I met randomly through a mutual friend. She bravely showed up at a BBQ I invited her to by herself knowing no one and instantly hit it off with everyone. This just shows you a little bit about how brave and amazing this woman is. She continues to amaze me as our friendship grows and I’m so happy that our paths collided. Memories include: her forcing me to go to country concerts, me secretly liking them, long weekend camping trips, hikes with the pups, & late night talks about life.
Kat Manderino
Oh Kat... what can I say about this girl. Kat and I met in CA working for USA Water Polo. She is freaking awesome. She is always so positive and happy. Every time I see her or spend time with her I have a smile on my face. Her laugh is contagious and genuine and she is always down for anything. Memories include: waking up with mysterious cuts and bruises, lots of water polo, starting and stopping diets, closing down bars & laughing hysterically all the time.
Cali Byrd
Junior Bridesmaid
Cali is Mike's niece and my favorite 11 year old in the world. She is the sweetest, smartest, and most talented girl I know. When Cali isn't getting straight A's in school, she is dominating in hockey, gymnastics, jujitsu, soccer, or really anything she does. Memories include: Telling bed time stories "Yo Princess!", hockey games, beach house adventures, sleep overs, & rad birthday parties.
Eric Byrd
Best Man
Live. Laugh. Love.
Nick Byrd

If you don't love me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best

Vince Byrd

Yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery and today is a gift. That's why we call it the present.

Josh Branco

Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody is watching.

Michael Hetnal

It's not the number of breaths we take, but the number of moments that take our breath away.

Bryan Halpin

Live for the nights you'll never remember with the friends you'll never forget

Manuel Gutierrez

Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today.

Tyler Sinner

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.

Ty Byrd
Junior Groomsmen
Real cowboys don't take baths, they just dust off.