How we met - Double Dels
The summer of 2013, I (Lauren) was working as a catering waitress and was traveling to Pennsylvania to cater a wedding (ironic). My dad did not want me to run out of gas and fill the car late at night alone on my way home so he told me to stop and fill the car prior to leaving NJ.  I pulled over to an Exxon on my way out and a cute boy came to my window to attend.  Ben noticed my bumper sticker of my car was a University of Delaware sticker and asked if I went to school there, what my major was, and my name. As I was pulling away thanking him for the help, he stated he would see me around school. 

About 6 months later, during winter session of classes at UD, my friend Stephanie asked if I would go to a party with her.  (if anyone knows me ..they know I am probably the biggest homebody there ever was) but I did not want to make her go alone.  I agreed and once we arrived, Ben approached me saying "Hi, are you Lauren? I think I pumped your gas one time in Jersey?"  It truly was then that I felt this rush of WOW and was flattered he could remember me and pick me out of a crowd.   I pulled Steph aside and told her "I am going to date that guy!"  I just had this strong feeling that he was the one. We talked everyday since that night. About 3 months later, Ben asked me to be his girlfriend :) and about 5 years later, his wife.
How He Proposed

Whenever I pictured how I would propose to Lauren, I always knew it had to be in a location that was special to us and somewhere that we could easily revisit on a whim. I knew I wanted our families to be a part of it. And, of course, I had to make it a surprise.

It came to me that the perfect place to propose was J Owen Grundy pier in Jersey City. At sunset, the Manhattan skyline reflects metallic blues, greens, and gold. Boats cruise by on the Hudson. It's a beautiful setting in the city where we first shared an apartment, raised our dog, and started our careers.

Lauren and I had plans to travel to Hawaii in March. I couldn't help but picture the two of us engaged by the time we started our trip.  

The night before we boarded our flights, I took her out to Battello in Jersey City - a local seafood restaurant with NYC skyline views. When we returned to our apartment, my parents arrived to pick up our dog, Luke, to puppysit while we were in Hawaii. Once they got there I had them suggest we go for a quick walk, which I had timed to make sure we go to the pier right at sunset. When we got there, I asked my parents to take a picture of us. And so we got up on top of a ledge with the city behind us. With Manhattan glowing in the background, I turned to Lauren, got on one knee and proposed. She had no idea it was coming! Her parents came running from their hiding spots with champagne and confetti and got to see the whole thing too. It was perfect. We celebrated with family, quickly shoved some clothes in suitcases and then left for an amazing week in Maui. 
