How We Met

Ashley and Jonathan met in the Fall/Winter of 2014. Ashley had come home for break from graduate school and decided to swing by her favorite place in Jacksonville to dance, Tumbao Dance Company.  At her dance studio, she found some new faces had joined while she was away at school (Jonathan being one of them). Neither were seeking a relationship at the time, but the two quickly and easily became close friends,  drawn together through their love of Latin dance, music, food, adventure, and their desire's to pursue God first in their lives.  

Things became serious when Jonathan went to Ashley's house and celebrated New Years Eve with her and her family. Jonathan never left that night (in fact he ended up passing out on an air mattress), and ever since ringing in the New Year with Ashley in 2015, he has never left her side.

Jonathan pursued Ashley's heart daily after that day. The two became an official couple February 14, 2015 and have been together ever since.  

Our Proposal Story

Ashley is one for sentiment and surprises, so I knew I needed to do something special for her proposal. I knew by the 3rd year into our relationship that I wanted to propose so, I kept an eye on her Pinterest. I kept watching for the styles that she was attracted to, what made her eyes light up.

I found a great jeweler at Global Diamonds who taught me all the fancy language. Lol So much goes into buying a ring....Cut, Clarity, Color, Carat, ring types, settings!! I knew I wanted to choose a special diamond that was unique because of how unique and special Ashley is to me. Eventually, I was able to put together something very special for my soon to be fiance. 

Before my proposal, I asked Ashley's mom and dad for her hand in marriage to gain their approval. After that, I began to make my plan. I know how much Ashley loves her family so I knew the best time would be when her family was around. Her parents were planning a New Years Eve pajama party! Since new years eve was the birth of our beginning, I thought it was only right for 01/01/2018 to be the start of our next chapter. 

Everyone but Ashley knew I was going to propose to her on that night. I got together with Ashley's brother, Ryan, to pick out the perfect song that would play at the right time. Ashley's mom kept her busy throughout the night so she could not see me gather everyone around when midnight was drawing near. 

As the clock wound down to midnight, Ryan started playing "Matrimony". Ashley had her back turned to me and I got down on one knee. When she turned around I asked her for her hand in marriage! 

All the observing, planning, waiting, finally paid off