Tori Townsend
Maid of Honor

I met Dani when the Ryans (my husband is also named Ryan. I know, confusing, right? Stay with me though…) joined the fire academy. Her and I soon realized that if we didn’t find a partner in crime amongst the sea full of over-achieving women, it’d be a longgggggg couple of months for us both. Her and I banded together to fight against the high standards and crippling pressures of homemade lunches, perfectly creased uniforms and organizing play dates with our sarcastic humor and mediocre at best housewife skills. A beautiful friendship blossomed during a time of outward smiles and inward screams.

Strengths: finding the dog in any social situation, putting the cart away at the grocery store.
Weaknesses: math, chocolate chip cookies, filling up my truck with gas.

Conversation Topics: your pet, your last vacation, your childhood trauma, that damn ex of yours, the love of your life, what you had for breakfast, if your dress has pockets. Anything goes.

Tori’s husband, Ryan, will accompany her down the aisle.

Sean Collins
Best Man

I met Ryan several years ago while we were both working at Station 17. He was a struggling rookie, and I was a dynamic, inspirational Paramedic Engineer. We got to know each other through those busy times, and I came to realize something: under that cool/calm demeanor was a trustworthy, hardworking, and caring individual. Years later I convinced Ryan to work with me again at Station 26. It was during this time that I came to appreciate his devoted nature towards his family, friends, and especially Danielle.

Strengths- self awareness
Weaknesses- sharing things about myself
Things to talk to me about- labradoodles, sports, food

Sean’s wife, Jeanine, will accompany him down the aisle.