Ashley Moore
Maid of Honor, Sister of Bride
Ashley is Charley’s big sister who lives in San Francisco with her husband Evan and new baby boy, Charles. Charley can't talk about how wonderful she is without crying so we'll just leave it at that!
Meghan Stryk
Bridesmaid, Sister of Groom

Meghan is Charley’s future sister-in-law who lives in San Antonio with her husband Wade and daughter Porter. John and Charley love going to visit Meghan for the weekend where they’re spoiled rotten with pool time, grill outs, and late night shut-the-box competitions.

Sara Sultz
Bridesmaid, Sister of Groom
Sara is Charley’s future sister-in-law who lives in College Station with her husband Josh and kids Abby and Caleb. Sara has so warmly welcomed Charley into the family and feels like a sister already with her positive outlook and supportive ear.
Whitney Wells
Whitney is Charley’s oldest friend. They met at boarding school, where they quickly learned they could always go to each other with “hey, do you want to...” and know the answer would be “yeah!”. After 2 years of that mentality leading to mud sliding in Saran Wrap and performing late night interpretive dance routines in the dance studio, Whitney’s mom happened to move to Charley’s home town, which ensured they’d stay best friends forever, even finishing up high school together back in Florida. Whitney has recently achieved the dream of moving back to Vero Beach, FL with her husband Alex and 2 little ones, Jack and Tilly.
Kendra Eaton
Kendra is Charley's friend from SMU. She's the kind of friend who knows your birthday is coming up even before you do and has a side text with your mom. I often look at her and think “how does she do it??”
Elyse Murphy
Elyse is Charley's friend from SMU.  Never a dull moment with this one, Elyse brings light and laughter into every situation.  
Luba Popov

Luba is the kindest person you'll ever meet!  Charley's parents have deemed her a required invite to our annual 4th of July in Lake Toxaway because she's so helpful and keeps us all in line!  What Charley loves most about her is how down to earth and genuine she is.

Chelsea Kleen
Chelsea was originally a friend of John's from UT but Charley quickly snatched her up as one of her besties.  She is engaged to one of John's groomsmen, Blake, and the 4 of us ("Hearts Club") have had many road trips, pool days and game nights.  Chelsea is so much fun, has always looked out for me, and I'm so glad John brought her into my life!
Esther Beckett

Esther is my new favorite Frenchie and we have the best meeting story!  I was selling many things on Facebook Marketplace while re-decorating and one day, 2 French sisters came to buy my rug.   Esther was in and out in 15 minutes but I spent the next several days repeatedly telling John how much I weirdly felt like we were soulmates and would be great friends.  With John encouraging me to reach out, I finally put my pride aside and asked Esther out on a friend date.  Fast forward a year and a half, Esther is now one of my closest friends!  And as a bonus, she came with her wonderful husband Taylor so the four of us have had many a game-night sleepover and have a solid plan for if we ever go to a theme park that Taylor and I will go on the rides while John and Esther hold our things and give us tickets.  Esther is smart, funny, down to earth and kind, and we have so much in common - from painting at White Rock Lake to exploring whatever museum or event seems interesting that weekend (pre-covid, can't wait til we can get back to exploring, Esther!).  Thank you John for encouraging me to be a huge weirdo and try to befriend the girl who bought my rug!

Sarah Reyes
Bridesmaid, Honorary

Six years ago, Sarah’s husband, Miguel, asked to join Charley’s friend’s frisbee game one day in the park and the rest was history. Sarah is one of the kindest and warmest people I know, and I look up to her and value her advice much like a sister. Sarah and Miguel have since returned to their hometown of Louisville but never miss our annual 4th of July trip to Lake Toxaway, even this year when she was 8 months pregnant with their first baby!

Honorary: Sarah will be with us in spirit on the wedding day as she's a recently become a new Mom to a beautiful baby girl Ariana!

Peaches Morgan

9 years ago, I inherited the light of my Grammy’s life, her teacup Yorkie Peaches. Having always dreamed of owning a Mastiff, myself, I never understood why Grammy adored this timid little dog so much, but I adored Grammy and she made my family promise that we would take care of her Peaches after she was gone so it was without a single thought that I stepped up. Next thing I knew, my Dad was fresh off a plane at my door in Dallas, holding a tiny cage and a bag of even tinier dresses, leashes and diapers. And just like that, my Dad was gone, and I was alone in my apartment as a senior in college, looking at this scraggly thing cowering below me with mutual uncertainty. Fast forward and my family now refers to Peaches and I as "the most unlikely best friends."

Michael Emslie
Best Man, Brother of Groom
Mems is John's little brother.  
Bennett Morgan
Groomsman, Brother of Bride
Charley's younger brother (and John's soon-to-be-younger brother) Bennett
Trevor Bates
Friends from before birth (our moms were already good friends when we were still a spark in our fathers' eyes).
Parker Widman
First met in junior high and grew up in the same neighborhood.
JD Sorrentino
ATO pledge brother and Silver Spur rowel brother at the Univ. of Texas at Austin, hook 'em!
Blake Landon

ATO pledge brother at the Univ. of Texas at Austin, hook 'em!

Nate Sokolski

ATO pledge brother at the Univ. of Texas at Austin, hook 'em!

Preston Patterson
The baby brother in John's close family friends, the Patterson's.
Matt Kelly
Groomsman, Honorary

ATO pledge brother at the Univ. of Texas at Austin, hook 'em!

Honorary: Matt will be with us in spirit because he's a new dad!

Karl Bock
Groomsman, Honorary

ATO pledge brother at the Univ. of Texas at Austin, hook 'em!

Honorary: Karl will be safely celebrating with us in spirit from NY with his new bride!

The Moore Family
Sister/Bridesmaid & Her Family

Ashley (Charley's sister), Evan (brother-in-law), Charles (new nephew!), and Albert (doggo)

Pauline & Warren Morgan
Mimi & Grandpa

John and Charley are so happy that Mimi and Grandpa will be sharing in their wedding (and it's part of the reason we chose Florida)!  After celebrating their 70th anniversary a few years ago, Mimi and Grandpa are goals!!

The Stryk Family
Sister/Bridesmaid & Her Family
Meghan (John's sister), Wade (John's brother-in-law), and their daughter Porter who will be one of out flower girls!
The Sultz Family
Sister/Bridesmaid & Her Family
Sara (John's sister), Josh (brother-in-law) and their kids, Abby and Caleb.  Abby will be one of our flower girls and Caleb will be our ring bearer/escorting Peaches down the aisle!