Wharton Graduation
It all started when we met at Wharton...
The Louvre, Paris
...and then spent the summer together traveling to France, Italy, Egypt, Taiwan, China, and LA...
NYC Madison Sq Park
...before Naveen moved to NY...
White Sox Game
...and Annie moved to Chicago.
UC Berkeley
We traveled back and forth to see each other, sometimes meeting in places from each other's past, like where Naveen went to college...
...and where Annie went to high school.
Along the way, we fell in love with Hawaii (!), and most importantly...
Naveen's Bday
...spent birthdays together...
Christmas Dinner
...and holidays together...
Snow Day NYC
...making the most...
Kauai Helicopter
...of our time together.
Paris Engagement
Until exactly 2.5 years later, when on vacation in Paris, he asked, and she said "Yes"!!!