High School Sweethearts

Our story began at Olathe Northwest High School in 2006. Anita just moved to Kansas from Portland, OR and was adjusting to a new environment. While walking to class, Jaipal saw Anita for the first time and thought to himself, "Wow, she is cute! Is she new here?" However, Anita did not really pay much attention to it. The first time she remembers Jaipal was when he was nominated for senior homecoming king. When they announced"Jaipal Singh", the whole school went wild! Fast forward a couple months, Jaipal finally mustered up the courage to message Anita on a new social media website at that time known as "Facebook." As typical teenagers in the early 2000s, they exchanged AIM Instant Messenger IDs and eventually phone numbers resulting in hours and hours of conversation. Come April 2007, Jaipal decided to ask Anita to senior prom and she said yes.

Anita and Jaipal managed to keep in touch after high school and re-connected at the University of Kansas after Jaipal completed his two years at Johnson County Community College playing for the school's soccer team. As with any relationship, there were some ups and downs, but Anita and Jaipal have essentially grown up together after 13 years of knowing each other resulting in an eternal bond.

We are so thankful that you will be able to attend our wedding celebrations and witness our growing love for each other!