Maggie Aldrich
Maggie has been my best friend since we were about 8. She has been a part of all of my favorite memories in life and at this point she has no choice but to include me in everything :). In all seriousness it's hard to put into words how much Maggie means to me. She is one of the most selfless people I know and I am truly lucky to have her in my life as a best friend. There is no one I would rather have by my side than Maggie and I could not have planned my wedding without her.
Claire Baptista
I became friends with Claire and 7th grade and have forced her to hang out with me ever since :). Upon her departure from Washington we spent countless hours/days/weeks in the bonus room at her parents eating pot pies and drinking fruit punch. I was also fortunate enough to get to spend a lot time with her Mom, Dad, and sister they all treated me like I was family... Honestly, thinking about it now I definitely wore out my welcome :)... I digress. In all seriousness the thing I love most about Claire is her zest for life. She has the ability to enjoy it while making everyone's around her better. She is a bright light and I am so lucky to have her in my life.
Priscilla Foss
It all started in the 3rd grade when Priscilla and I were both in Mrs. DeWitt's class and noticed we had matching Winnie the Pooh shirts... From that day forward we were inseparable. We did everything together and I basically lived at her parents house (thank you Mr.&Mrs. Foss). We have been friends for over 20 years and I can honestly say there is no one like Priscilla; those of us lucky enough to know her would agree. Priscilla is one of the funniest people I know and is ALWAYS the life of the party. While we no longer live 5 minutes away from each other we have made it a point to remain permanent fixtures in each others lives. Now I get to visit her in sunny Arizona where she is currently a 4th grade teacher and lives with her boyfriend Jake and their sweet puppy, Bonnie.