Colette Heppolette
Mother of the Bride
Colette is nearly a local to the Chianti region, and knows the grapes pretty well too! If she is not power-walking into town you will find her dancing to Stormzy by the pool! She will be the first one on the dance floor and the last one to leave it. Don't be fooled though, as a chemist she is very serious. She conducts the testing of Limoncello with great precision...on the wine glass!
Michael O'Sullivan
Step-father of the Bride
When Dani's dad passed away, she was sent an angel in the form of an Irishman (to be sure!). At first glance, Michael may appear to be reserved but he is a dark horse when it comes to boogying! For someone who hasn't had a drop of alcohol in his life, he sure makes sobriety look pretty fun! He will direct the dance floor and has been known to chase people down the street should they dare to leave early!
Deborah Rookes
Mother of the Groom
Deborah was very pleased when she met Dani, as Charlie had found someone who a) tolerated his lack of organisational skills and forethought, and b) was able to make some headway into changing that (he even managed to write this in 2020, so a good start!).
Deborah used to live in Italy for a little bit, so doubtless she will have some pearls of vocabulary to share. She was the flower-consult-in-chief, after spending several summers auditioning (very successfully) for the role. She also is highly knowledgeable about making pink dungarees last 3 decades.
Good for gin with various allotment fruit in it.
Roger Rookes
Father of the Groom
Roger has in his latter years become even more outwardly the smiley chap you see in the photo above. This was partly to do with moving his business to his home office (strangely around the time at which things like Sky Sports and a not-so-secret biscuit drawer started appearing), but more likely to do with getting his eldest son out of the house and finally into a proper career.
Good for a warm Devonshire beer.
Becci Gould
Maid of Honour
Becci is the dictator of organised fun. She met Dani during Freshers' week at Cardiff University and after many a fancy dress night out and their determination to never leave the Student Union's dancefloor, a bond was secured for life.

Becci was especially happy when Dani met Charlie, as for years Dani was the interloper in Becci’s romantic relationship, often joining her and her boyfriend in bed for a morning cuddle. Let's hope it isn’t payback time on the wedding night!
Chantal Heppolette
Maid of Honour
Chantal met Dani 31 years ago on 12th June 1989. Dani doesn't remember much about that meeting, as she was going through a lot at the time. It was pretty traumatic for all involved and many tears were had. Luckily, they were able to see it past day one and have felt like sisters ever since.

Chantal met Charlie in medical school and soon realised that Charlie was a pretty neat guy. She played Cupid at Dani's and his first meeting, so if it all goes wrong, they will know whom to blame!
Ali Heaford
Ali met Dani and Charlie in Australia on a deserted beach... and that as they say is where all great friendships begin! She was there from the start of their Aussie adventure right until the end. They spent many an evening playing intense board games and perfecting cocktails (speak to her fiancé Prince about that one!).
In honour of her role as bridesmaid, Ali will be taking the trophy of ‘clumsiest girl in the room’ away from Dani for the night!
Eden Anstead
Eden is Dani's ‘not-so-baby’ cousin. Dani has known her since she fitted perfectly in her lap, till now where she fits perfectly along a surfboard (Charlie's quote from her first surf lesson with him).

Dani and Eden's love of animals is so strong that when Dani went to Australia, her own dog swapped her for Eden's affections. He has now been uninvited to the wedding.

Eden used to aspire to Dani's non-comformist attitude until she saw her ‘floor-drobe’ (a whole wardrobe of clothes scattered on the floor) at which point she re-assessed her direction. Now Dani aspires to her!
Grainne Reihill
Charlie and Dani met Grainne in Australia, and their lives have never been the same! She has added so much entertainment in her story telling and her willingness to get stuck in, alongside her Irish charm.  She also has the longest Book recommendation list if you are in need. There will undoubtedly be some interpretative dancing in the vineyards lead by Grainne,  and she'll be also be joining the peloton crew the next day!
Jess Sharp
Jess was one of Charlie's best mates at medical school and it didn't take Dani long to work out why! Jess' ‘Shot Girl’ nickname is not only from her love of tequila but also from her skills at photography. The two combined make an interesting recipe! You’ll find her successfully calming both Dani and Charlie's nerves on the day...possibly with something cold, wet and bubbly.
Lisa Jones
Lisa Jones was around in the early courting years. She spotted a spark between Dani and Charlie before they had even acknowledged it themselves. They have all managed to maintain a friendship despite their shared competitive traits during Articulate.  She will be joining the Panzano Pelaton group for the week so you may see her on the Tuscan hills... if you can keep up!
Megan Thomas
Meg is the ultimate "YES" girl which is a perfect match for Dani's constant activity list! She may even need another holiday after this. As a Great British rounders champion she will be leading the annual Chianti Rounders match, so make sure you pack your A-game and practise running post-Limoncello!
Sara Osman
Sara met Dani and Charlie in Australia and they had an instant connection, which prompted them to jump off a bridge altogether (much to Charlie's resistance).
Since then Charlie and Sara hobbited through New Zealand searching for their precious... only to realise she was still at home.
Sara moved in with them and within moments she began the momentous task of clearing the ‘floor-drobe’. Dani knew she had a friend for life!
Steph Gounaris-Shannon
Steph and Dani first met in their first year of working as doctors and after a trip to Bali realised they could live this doctoring life together for a while!
Steph had to endure the early days of Dani and Charlie’s courtship and after spending time with an Exeter student (Charlie), she realised she could tolerate one herself, in the shape of Charlie's friend Laurie. Steph will be our on-site GP and provide hangover cures in the shape of paracetemol and hair of the dog!
Tayla Furniss
Tay met Charlie and Dani during his medical elective in Costa Rica, and their travels haven't stopped since! Charlie has tricked Tay down many a ski slope and she in return has talked him into bungee jumping! They continued their adventure Down Under which would not have been the same without her!
She is also Charlie's best man's girlfriend and as they say, behind every best man...there is a brilliant woman!
James Bloomer
Best Man
Knows far too much. Charlie needed to give him a role in exchange for silence.
Good for a beer.
Greg Anstead
Master of Ceremonies: MC Pantani
Greg met Dani when she was only five years old, so he has had many years of tormenting her. She was so glad when Charlie came along, as it meant she was no longer the only target. 

Greg has seen Dani through her teenage dramas and she has stood by him as he gradually lost his hair.
As an international rugby prop, his voice is trained to command attention so there was no better person to be their Master of Ceremonies.
Ali Rookes
In 2020, Ali was officially crowned the cleverest Rookes. Please find him for any and all questions about pretty much anything you like!
Good for a beer.
Bailey Anstead
Bailey was automatically an usher when he nominated Charlie as his favourite cousin. If you need any Tuscan Pokemon found, he is your man.
Good for a Capri Sun.
Dan Rookes
Dan would quite likely have chosen to walk here, so hopefully he will make it. As a policeman in London, he is well outside of his jurisdiction in Italy so feel free to behave exactly as you like.
Good for several beers, very quickly.
Josh Brookes
A source of (sometimes questionable) moral guidance since preschool, except for running at cricket, which as far as Charlie was concerned was a free-for-all.
Good for a beer.
Shaun Comley
Shaun is from the glory days and the peak of Charlie's sporting career. He can therefore confirm that Charlie was once alright at sports.
Good for a beer.