The Early Years
Charlie met Dani at her sister's party during medical school. Both of them assumed the other wasn't interested so played it cool, only to later find out that was not the case! Over the next few months they grew closer and realised they were going to be more than just friends.

Dani knew Charlie was the one when he made dinosaur impressions on the spot to make her happy.

Charlie realised Dani was the one when she compared falling in love to watching Star Wars!

Together they ventured through Central and South America, and their travel bug began!
A trip Down Under

After living in Brighton for a year, the beach life wasn't going to end there. So they moved to a beach town on the Central Coast in Australia!

Dani surprised Charlie for his 30th birthday by taking him on a boat to the Great Barrier Reef to complete his diving certificate. Whilst wrapped in towels after a night shark dive, he surprised her back under the Milky Way by asking her to be his wife. Nothing compels you to re-evaluate your priorities in life quite like facing a scary toothy death!

Chianti Classico

We have chosen to hold our wedding in the Chianti region not just because it is a heavenly part of the world, but also because it holds a lot of sentimental value for The Heppolettes. Dani's family have been coming here for years after her dad Dino discovered it for the family on a business trip.

A few years later Dani's Aunty Pia and Greg had their wedding at Castello il Palagio and the family have been soaking up the sun and cycling those hills ever since.

Dino made a speech at Pia and Greg's wedding which is why it feels all the more magical to be getting married at Castello il Palagio. Sadly he passed away a few years later.

Dino compared those Tuscan hills to his “heaven”, so we toast our Chianti Classico to him.