Karissa Johnson
Matron of Honor
Karissa and I have been friends as long as I can remember! We were in the same pre-school and spent way too much time getting in trouble together with our brothers (sorry Mom & Jeanette)! We lived apart through high school, but remained close through college. Luckily, we still live relatively close and I love spending time with her and her family!
Karissa is one of the hardest workers I know and would do anything for anyone. I love her fun personality and know that when I need an honest opinion, I will have one from her. I am so proud to call her my friend and can't wait to have some "vino-bambino" with her on our wedding day!
Elise Brooten
Elise and I have been close our entire lives; I am only a few weeks older than my sweet cousin. Our mothers are sisters and we have spent several years together doing all summer lake things, going through angsty teen years together, and now getting married. I can't imagine a fond childhood memory of the Lakes without her and I am so thrilled to be adding another special memory with her next summer! She has always been my protector and has seen me through all walks of life. She was my first "sister," and I am so thankful for the unending love she has always shown me!
Elise is about to be a newlywed herself (YAY Elise & Chris 5/8/2021!) and was supposed to be married on 7/25/2020, but now we will just have more reason to celebrate in 2021!
Keshia Greve
Keshia and I went to daycare together and we have been friends ever since! We were close growing up and for some reason she let me move in with her in Swanson Hall when I transferred to Creighton sophomore year of college! She couldn't get rid of me after that and we lived together through the rest of our college days :)
Keshia and I have been through thick and thin (thank you for sharing your bed on my 21st birthday). We have watched every single episode of Grey's Anatomy together (She's totally "My Person"), and some of my favorite memories have Keshia in them. Keshia is self-less and incredibly intelligent. I am so proud of all she has accomplished. She has loved me and watched me grow into the person I am today and I am honored to call her one of my friends and to have her by my side on my wedding day.
Erin Erickson
Erin has always been like a younger sister to me (She is Elise's actual younger sister)! Erin also grew up going to the lakes with us in the summers and as we have gotten older she and I have become closer and closer! Erin spent a few summers living with my mom and Rex while working in the Lakes in college and she definitely became a "local." She understands how fun it is to live with Aunt Ann and Rexy!  Erin is always a huge support system for me and I have loved the woman she has become!
When I think of Erin, I think of summer days on the boat, laughing in my mom's kitchen at the end of a night, and epic dance parties with my family at the Ritz (or any other time there is music playing).
Alexa Dinklage
I met Alexa in the Elkhorn river in Wisner, NE (yes, literally in the river). My brother told me at the time she was "some girl on his sand volleyball team," but little did I know, she would be so much more! Alexa has become one of my closest friends and is now "officially" my first sister, and in-law :) Alexa is the life of the party and there is never a dull moment around this sassy, smart, and incredibly caring person! She is constantly making me laugh and I cannot even tell you how happy I am that I have someone like Alexa in my corner! I am honored to have her in our wedding party!
Alexa is also the reason that Tyler and I have so many wonderful pictures!! She captured photos of us just a few moments after we got engaged and is also taking engagement photos for us! We love her artistic eye and cannot wait to see what the future holds for her passion of photography!
Cali Solsma
I met Cali through one of my brother's long time friends.  When Tyler (Solsma) brought her up to the Lakes and I met her for the first time, we immediately bonded! We spent countless hours talking about nursing, our lifelong goals, and everything in between.  Cali is vibrant, hilarious, and the type of kind hearted soul that you would be lucky to find in a friend.  She is one person that I know will always be there for me no matter where life takes us.  She and her Tyler got married in the Lakes in 2017 and I am so excited she will be with us when we are there next summer! 
Tiffany Mayland
Tiffany came into my life through Tyler. I first met her, probably at work, but I remember going out to eat with her and Josh in Lincoln a few months after we started dating. We started getting closer and later that year when I moved to Norfolk, they became my neighbors. We fondly have called our shared backyard, “The Quad,” because it feels kind of like living in the dorms on a college campus. You’re friends are close, you have unexpected and some of the best hangouts, and I am so thankful for our friendship!

Tiffany is witty, kind, and a truly wonderful person. I am so excited for future adventures with her!
Ali McCabe
Ali and I became friends shortly after I moved to Norfolk. We met through a friendship she and Tiffany started at the CrossFit gym! I immediately liked Ali and our friendship quickly grew too. She is the kind of person that I think, “where have you been all my life?!” It has been so fun getting to know her as a person and her husband Brody too! Life in Norfolk simply wouldn’t be the same without the McCabes.

Ali is smart, fun, and someone I look up to very much! I am so lucky to have the people in my life that I do!
Ryan Preszler
Best Man
There is no one else I'd rather have by my side on my wedding day. For those that do not know, Ryan is my older brother. He's now a big city boy living on the East coast, but we still always take the time to try and get in at least one hunting trip a year. I still always seem to shoot a bigger deer than him, but thats ok, it’s not like he's very competitive!
Josh Wenande
I met Josh in early 2014. I was getting ready to start anesthesia school and I needed a roommate. So, I did what anyone would do when looking for a roommate and turned to the Criaglist classified ads. We met in person once before deciding to be roommates. Josh was one year ahead of me in anesthesia school and we spent two LONG years living together. Since both graduating, our friendship has brought us on many crazy hunting adventures with many more to come.
Eric Stiasny
My friendship with Eric began back in High School. Eric was a year behind me and we didn't meet until my sophomore year, which is hard to believe is even possible because there were only 20 kids per grade! Our friendship has remained strong over the years and remains one of those friendships that no matter the amount of time or distance apart we pick back up right where we left off. We've shared many great memories together and I'm looking forward to having him stand by my side on my wedding day.
Matt Stiasny
My friendship with Matt also began back in high school. Matt participated in football, wrestling, basketball, baseball, and track--all through high school. We shared many fond memories over the years, but one I remember quite vividly back in 2005 is when Dove Creek High School football was playing Nucla (or maybe Norwood).  I remember Matt having an "All American" type game with 5, or maybe even 6 touchdowns. It was on touchdown number 4 that I remember Matt just absolutely laying out the defensive end while also suffering a metacarpal injury, but he sucked it up and played through, scoring several more touch downs that game. It's not the football game that stood out to me most, but the events of the next day. We arrived home late that Friday night, but alarms where set early so we could hunt elk Saturday morning. Matt agreed to get up at 3 am, drive 1 1/2 hours to my hunting spot and then hike mile upon mile in search of bugling elk, all with a broken hand. Its a memory I'll never forget.
David Dinklage
Oh Davé! I met David shortly after he got engaged in December of 2018. David is like the BIG little brother I never had. He's never afraid to give you the shirt off his back or a giant bear hug, sometimes at the same time. We've shared many fun air boat rides cruising the Elkhorn River. One of these days I'll make a "Big Game Hunter" out of him, but it's hard to get a cattle farmer to like venison.
Brody McCabe
As cohost of Mccabe Outdoor Adventures, Brody can be found chasing turkeys, sitting in a tree stand, hunting elk with a 6.5 creedmoor, catching 5 lb bass in his pond, or on a real wild day; wrestling snapping turtles in the buff. Brody is as genuine as they come, always the first to offer help. I’m so honored to have him a part of our day and a lifelong friend.
Ann Dinklage & Rex Potter
Bride's Mother
Mom and Rex have lived in Spirit Lake, IA for several years and have been a wonderful support system to me! It was always so important my family loved the person I ended up with and I am so thrilled that they do.  Mom has been retired from nursing for about 5 years now and spends most of her time with her father and siblings.  She also enjoys boating in the summers, going to the farmers market in the park, and cooking.  Rex is still working as a lineman throughout the Midwest.  Rex is one of a kind and his interests are broad from sprint car races, boating, smoking meats, and traveling (and it seems like he has been just about everywhere)! 
Jeff Dinklage
Bride's Father
Dad lives in Wisner, NE, which is about 30 minutes from where Tyler and I live.  Over the last 7 or so years I have gotten to know my dad as an adult and I am so thankful for that! A lot of life events have brought us closer and I am so appreciative of learning more about our family farm and his hobbies as well.  I have enjoyed learning how he likes to grill/smoke/etc. any kind of meat and love that he is constantly sending me recipes to try! There is no such thing as "going hungry" at Dad's! We also have spent quite a bit of time together air boating on the Elkhorn river-- I never thought I'd love boating in Nebraska as much as I did in the Lakes! 
Dave & Gina Preszler
Groom's Father & Stepmother
Dave and Gina have set deep roots in Southwestern Colorado. Dave has been officially retired for a little over a year now. Much of his career has been spent in either athletics or education. Gina won't be far behind as she's set to retire as a lifelong kindergarten teacher at the end of this school year. I often times find it difficult getting a hold of these two as they spend as much time possible hiking, biking, and snowshoeing in the mountains.
Robin Nodland & Gene Palmisano
Groom's Mother & Stepfather
Robin and Gene live in Southwestern Colorado. I spent my high school years with Robin and Gene living the Ranch Life while attending high School in Dove Creek, CO. They are both Registered Nurses and have a combined 40+ years of nursing experience. As of late, Robin is an OR Nurse and Gene is a Traveling RN. When not working they can be found hiking, biking, hunting, and fly fishing throughout Western Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah.