How We Met + First Date

So, Snoop and I initially met years ago at a party in Miami. I had no idea at the time I was meeting my future wife. We were actually introduced by someone I was dating at the time, so I didn’t really put my thought into the introduction at the time.

Fast forward a few years, and I was spending some time with my family in Dallas, Texas. I had been there for about 2 months quarantining at my mother’s home. Although it was a scary and stressful time considering we were in the very beginning of the pandemic, I found myself feeling refreshed and calm. It had been a much needed break from my fast paced Miami lifestyle, and I truly believe that slowing down and spending time with family had allowed me to open myself and my heart up and slightly prepared me for the force that would soon enter my life. That force being SNOOP.

I was watching my favorite program, American Greed, with my family and posted a clip from it on Instagram. Not long after, I received a message from “whoissnoop”. She told me that she was also a fan of the show and the conversation opened up from there. That evening we messaged each other up until 5 am, ending our conversation with me giving her my phone number. The next morning, she was the first thing I thought of when I woke up. I had enjoyed our conversation so much and was definitely curious about her.

About two weeks into speaking to one another, Snoop decided to fly to Dallas to take me to dinner and the rest I guess you could say is history. We have been pretty much inseparable since then.

Sidney's Version

I was watching my favorite program, American Greed, with my family and posted a clip from it on Instagram. Not long after, I received a message from “whoissnoop”. She told me that she was also a fan of the show and the conversation opened up from there. That evening we messaged each other up until 5 am, ending our conversation with me giving her my phone number. The next morning, she was the first thing I thought of when I woke up. I had enjoyed our conversation so much and was definitely curious about her.

About two weeks into speaking to one another, Snoop decided to fly to Dallas to take me to dinner and the rest I guess you could say is history. We have been pretty much inseparable since then.

Snoop's Version

I originally met Sidney about 3 years ago when I took a business (and pleasure) trip to Miami, Florida. When I first met her, I literally could not take my eyes off of her. I kept looking at her (from a far) all night long. I was so struck by her beauty and the way she carried herself. I guess it really was as close to “love at first sight” as you can get, if there is such a thing lol. We were just briefly introduced (and she was involved with someone else) so I didn’t get to truly meet her until years later in May of 2020.

We connected on Instagram over a mutual love for the show “American Greed”. She posted a photo of herself wearing a shirt from the show and it caught my eye. I sent her a message about the show with the intent of getting to know her and just using that as an ice breaker. She ended up remembering meeting me three years ago although it was very brief and in passing.

We talked and exchanged messages in the DM (cue the song) on Instagram for about 6 hours and well into the wee hours of the morning. It was definitely history from there. I knew very early on that Sidney was the one. I am so thankful that I took that trip and planted those seeds.

She said YES!

The weeks leading up to our engagement, we had spent trying to get our home together for our housewarming party. In true Snoop fashion, we had been a little over ambitious with the date of the party and there were still some things that weren’t quite ready. We were, after all, planning to present our dream home to our closest friends and family. The day of the party went off without a hitch, besides the fact that I felt like Snoop was mad at me because she seemed to be avoiding me!

Towards the end of the party, my friends started to shuffle me around and insist that I take photos with them and I was getting so annoyed after a while. Until I was whisked outside to our pool area and saw the words MARRY ME spelled out and Snoop standing down there at the bottom of the stairs.

I immediately began to tear up, the moment is honestly still so surreal. When she got down on her knee, I couldn’t wait for the words to come out of her mouth. And of course, we now know that I said yes! I couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful proposal, complete with fireworks and surrounded by the people I love most!