Shirell Hughes
Maid of honor

My precious sister and my forever friend,

Shirell is my superhero and someone I can count on. She has always been my ROCK; she’s never let me down “My Number One Supporter”. Her love is unconditional, and her support is unmatched. Shirell has a great sense of humor, and she loves a good joke. She’s been our biggest cheerleader since day one and the success of our marriage is dear to her. 

Lawanda Deas
Matron of honor

My beautiful sister Wanda,

Wanda has been my longtime friend for decades. She is the type of person that loves to see her friends happily in love. Wanda has shown great support for Gus and me, through her kind words and thoughtful gestures. Wanda has a loving heart, and she tries seeing the good in people. Just don’t get on her bad side lol. 

Antonique Whitfield

My lovely niece Nonnie,

She will always be my baby no matter what. As a young girl, she would drive me crazy being so picky with her food. Don’t have any mustard near her food, not even in same bag with hers lol. Nonnie is hilarious! She will have you laughing for days. She is so easy to get along with. I’m so blessed to have her as my niece. She has shown tremendous love for Gus and I. Nonnie is a beautiful person with a caring and loving heart. She loves like her mother, my big sister Shirell. 

Robyn Morey

My best friend Robyn,

Robyn has a beautiful spirit and she’s so charismatic. She makes a positive impression on anyone she encounters. Robyn is what you call “A Jack of All Trades”. She is my soul sista, my sista from another mother, my friend to the end. Robyn has a kind heart and a help everyone spirit. She’s always going out her way to help others. 

Latoya Prather

My dearest friend Toya,

I came to know Toya through my best friend Wanda. Since then, Toya and I have been inseparable. When I moved to North Carolina, Toya became my closest friend, my sister, my birthday bestie. Toya has been with me through the hard times as I transitioned to NC, she has been a true friend. She is part of the reason how I met my lovely husband. 

Anica Wilcox

My lovely friend Nica,

She has such a huge heart. Nica is the kind of person that goes above and beyond she’s willing to help anyone in need. Nica is so optimistic and supportive of her loved ones. Her door is always open to Gus and me when we visit Buffalo. I’m thankful to have her in my sister circle. Nica is very creative, she loves creating beautiful memories. 

Aisha Artis

My dearest friend Aisha, 

I met Aisha a few years after I moved to North Carolina. She has been a beacon of light for me. She is a loving person that enjoys spending time with family and close friends. Aisha and I have shared some beautiful memories together and great times. She plays a very big role in my sister circle. She has been an amazing friend to Gus and me. 

Kayla Cameron

My lovely niece Kayla,

She such a superstar with many talents, gifts and abilities. She is highly intelligent and amazingly beautiful. Kayla is an aspiring actress and model. She has such a bright future ahead of her. I am so proud of her and expecting great things for her future. Kayla is shy but an amazing person to converse with once she opens up to you.

Augustine Gbarwea
Best man

My dear twin brother Sando,

Sando is such a blessing and an inspiration to everyone he meets. His sincere desire to converse and inspire perfect strangers is something I inspire to do. He could meet you today and in the same day, be your best friend. The Lord God has truly called him to reach and lead HIS generation. Everything he has shared, has blessed many to this day. Since our birthday we have done everything together, shared the womb together and it has made us inseparable throughout our life. It’s only right for him to be my Best Man. Please help welcome my other half!

Caesar Addy

My closest cousin Jeff,

Jeff is the life and sustainer of the party and loves to have a good time. This young man is extremely successful and strives to be the best in all his endeavors. Jeff genuinely loves and care for the well-being of others. He has also been a huge supporter of Shawna and I. I truly appreciate the way he shows his approval and his support for us. Please help me welcome my dear cousin Jeff.

Alvino Nelson

My dear nephew Alvino,

Alvino is truly the gentlest giant you will ever meet. Alvino is funny and live to make others happy. Alvino is extremely jovial; he is loved and adored by all his family. Alvino brings the best out of others and thrive on seeing others joyful. Alvino has an amazing heart, and his smile will inspire you. Please help me welcome my dear nephew Alvino.

Colston Nelson

My dearest nephew,

Colston has such a big heart and one of the sincerest young men I know. Colston is the youngest son of my older sister Elizabeth. I could say Colston, and I are so much alike in the way we love and care for others. I am truly blessed to know Colston and to call him family. I want to be like him when I grow up lol. Thank you for playing a major role in our wedding and having such a joy and appreciation for Shawna and I. I love you!

Keanu Gbarwea

My nephew Keanu,

This young man is so talented and full of life. Keanu is inspirational and kind to others, and he is a man of service to his country. Keanu has a good heart, and he will be successful in all his endeavors. He will be called by God to be a light and a blessing to this generation. He will bring many souls to salvation, prophetic word. Please help me welcome my handsome nephew.

Ecedro Lucas

My dear Friend Tito, 

Tito is a dear friend and was there when I met my Shawna. Tito has an amazing way of expressing the joy that’s inside. He lives life to the fullest and is a family man. Tito is extremely sincere and honest when dealing with others. I appreciate Tito and enjoy hanging out with him. Please help me welcome Tito to the party. 

Jesse Artis

My big brother Jesse,

Jesse has become family, and we are alike in many ways. He is a kindhearted brother who love to make others laugh. Jesse is a man of service to his country.  Jesse loves his family and enjoy spending time with his wife and children. Please help me welcome my dear friend Jesse to the Party.