Travel Recommendations

Nearby Airports

Flying into Columbia (CAE) for the wedding to end all weddings?  Great idea!  But, if that isn't convenient for you, we recommend flying in to either Charlotte, NC (CLT) or Greenville, SC (GSP), renting a car, and making the short trek (approximately 1.5 hour drive from either city into town).  Experience the austere beauty of the highway system of the Carolinas.  Witness the snowless wonder of winter in the south!

Directions from Columbia, SC

CAE Airport

To make it easy on you, we're providing a shuttle from the Columbia Airport (CAE) to the Doubletree.  Just shoot us an e-mail and we'll make sure to have one waiting for you.  Or, more likely, have you wait for one (not for very long though, we promise!)

Directions From Charlotte, NC

CLT Airport

Directions from Greenville, SC

GSP Airport