Richa Trikha
Maid of Honor
You don't really get to choose who your family is, but you do get to choose how to go about your life with them. For years, I thought I had a pretty traditional family, a mother, father, brother, and a sister. But one day, I realized my sister wasn't just a sister; she was also my best friend and my second mother (great). Anshu can easily switch roles from a 5 year old girl to a 40 year old aunty within moments (sometimes even a REALLY Punjabi guy) and it can be pretty embarrassing at times. As I watched her move out and go to college, I cried, and wondered what I would do without her at home. Within the next few years, the Trikha sisters were officially taking Rutgers together!

I guess following her everywhere won't work this time so in the next 9 months, I plan to celebrate the heck out of #sagarandanshu; the most caring, loving, and entertaining couple that I know of (I guess I'm biased).
Aditi Jaitly
Don't know where to start....Anshu is one of the first friends I made in the States and she made me feel so comfortable since the first time I spoke to her. Now she is the closest person in my life and a sister I never had. We have grown so much together seen the best and the worst together. From our crazy shopping trips to our Punjabi eating disorder to our vacations, we have done it all. I am happy, super excited and at the same time sad as June is approaching. The Trikha residence is never going to be the same without you Anshu, but I am happy that you have found an amazing life partner and you guys make such an amazing couple! Wishing you both the best of the best life together and looking forward to make many many more memories together as a family..Love you both!!
Amanda Amanullah
For those of you who do not know this, I refer to Anshu Trikha as my #1 Punjabi and my #1 wife (which I’ll use lightly after she marries Sagar). From the Bollywood music and movies to the Desi outfits and the delicious food, we’ve always been American-born fobs together. There’s one difference though, which is what I adore about Anshu – she is extremely fun-loving in an adventurous way. My most vivid memories with her are when she tricked me into going on King Da Ka at Six Flags even though I was terrified of roller coasters. I remember all of the fake spiders and toothpaste cookies on April Fools Day. I even recall the times she would stop by my house on Holi just to throw colored powder on me and have a mini water gun fight. We’ve come a long way through all of that, having gone from John Adams Middle School to John P. Stevens High School to Rutgers University and now I look forward to celebrating the next big step in her life!
Bisma Rajpar
I first met Anshu when I moved to Edison 14 years ago and she's been one of my closest friends ever since. We were in the same science class and had to work on a group project together. I didn't have any friends at that time but I remember asking her if I could be a part of her group and she of course said 'yes.' We instantly became really close, constantly going to each other's houses and goofing off all the time. We ended up going to the same middle school, high school, and college together. One of my favorite traits of anshus is that she can always make me laugh. She loves to play tricks and she is truly a kid at heart. She is one of the kindest people I have ever met. She's always down to have a good time and I love that she cares so much about other people and always wants to make everyone around her happy. I can honestly go on and on about her but I'll save it all for the wedding ;)
Dipa Patel
With her bright lipstick, curly hair, and trendy apparel, Anshu is going to be the perfect bride. Over the years, Anshu and I have created countless memories. From being roommates at Rutgers, to having sleepovers in Watchung while watching meaningless movies and painting each others nails, we have become the best of friends. We even have our own language that only we can understand. If there is one way to describe Anshu, it would be that she has a way of bringing so much joy and laughter to her family, friends, and Sagar. Congratulations to the greatest.
Neesha Khanna
I've known Anshu for the past 23 years as a Kitty friend but we are definitely more than that, we're family. What I love about Anshu is that even though she is the oldest (aka Aunty) of our group, she is still the biggest kid at heart with her Frozen sing-a-longs or chugging Shirley temples! You're going to be the cool aunty in our continuation of Kitty250!

I am so happy for her to have found Sagar and super excited for the wedding festivities! ‎Congratulations!
Priya Kapoor
Junior Bridesmaid
I have known Anshu my entire life. We were forced to be friends. We actually hated each other for the longest time. Four years ago we went on vacation in Miami and we bonded. In the past four years, Anshu and I have made up for the previous twelve years. She is the nicest, most caring person I know. We call her Anshu Aunty. She makes amazing enchiladas and other food in general. I am so happy for Anahu and Sagar.
DJ Anshu T is getting married!!!!

& she bought me a waffle maker aka my most prized possession.

Puja D. Shah
Anshu was one of my first friends in elementary school (actually in life) and I’m so lucky we’ve been best friends ever since! We quickly became inseparable -- taking middle school, high school, college and post grad by storm! I’m thankful to have someone so big-hearted and lovable in my life. I still remember when we both moved out of Edison and promised to stay in touch – little did we know that our friendship was made to last forever! From celebrating big milestones and birthdays to sleepovers and basement parties, I wouldn’t have wanted to share all these memories with anyone else!

Sagar and Anshu are absolutely perfect together! They are so much fun individually but even better when they are together! I can’t wait to celebrate #sagarandanshu all year long! Love you both so much!
Purvi Patel
Ansh and I became friends in college. She is one of the nicest people I know. I love that she is always smiling and in a cheerful mood and you can't help but be happy when you are around her. She's incredibly generous, thoughtful, and supportive of her friends. Ansh is always there for me when I need her and I'm very thankful to have her in my life.
Radha Patel
AH! Where do I even begin!? Anshu’s been planning her wedding for as long as I can remember. I’ve known Anshu since 1st grade and we have been best friends since. She is the most loving, generous, goofy person I know (emphasis on goofy). I remember one time I was leaving my house to meet Anshu for lunch and I walk outside to my car to find it saran wrapped with a blow up doll sitting on top of my hood! I immediately heard crazy laughter coming from a bush and I knew it was Anshu. I am so excited to be a part of their wedding and I am so happy for Anshu and Sagar. We knew you guys would be first!
Sheena Kapoor
Junior Bridesmaid
Anshu Aunty and I have known each other pretty much since the Earth has known the moon. I have become so proud of the beautiful flower she has blossomed into, and have loved to watch her grow from a young girl into a nice woman. Now when I ask her the question, “Beta, when are you getting THE married?”, I can find comfort in her response. She is a very nice lady, who sometimes makes enchiladas.

We are all so happy she has found Sagar Uncle! And I know that I can’t wait to watch these “hip” and “cool" couple get the married!
Sahil Bansal
I don’t know where to start….A relationship between siblings is probably the most complex of all, there is a healthy rivalry, undying and protective love and above all complete and unconditional loyalty. Although I have lived away from Sagar for almost over a decade, he is probably the only person in this world who knows me best, who knows my short comings, and my deepest fears, however, I can’t say the same for him. Sagar’s friends have been there for him all this while giving him love and support which as a brother I was unable to. Now this special person is about to embark a new journey in his life and all I will want from everyone close to him that you will remain as loyal as you always were and support him. I am so happy for Sagar that he has found a perfect life partner. Your engagement day fills me with great memories and excitement; and I can’t wait to share your special day. You deserve nothing but the best…Once again Congratulations on finding your one true love. All the best to you and your new family at this special time and always. Remember, no matter where you go or what you do, you will always be my little brother and I will always be there for you!
Amit C. Shah
I first met Sagar as an acquaintance in 12th grade through Pavan and Prashant since he had just moved from London to Edison. We hung out a bunch of times and by the end of senior year decided to be roommates our freshman year of college at Rutgers. From sharing a room for 3 years straight to traveling through India on a month long trip, we have gone from mere acquaintances in high school to family now. Over that time, we've made tons of good memories, many of which I will embarrass him with during the wedding festivities! I am extremely happy to be a part of Sagar and Anshu taking their next big step in life. I can safely say this is something at all of our friends have been anticipating for a very very long time. Congratulations and I wish you both the very best!
Mitesh Patel
Sagar and I became friends when we were in college, after the happy couple started dating. I have many memories of Sagar but my favorite is when we had night out in Hoboken. We had a blast (what happens in hoboken stays in hoboken). After the long night, we went back to Sagar's house and he still had energy to breakout some punjabi dancing moves. We kept the party going till 4 in the morning. I look forward to more nights like the many we've had. Congrats to Sagar and Anshu, I am very excited for your wedding.
Moenil Patel
Throughout your lifetime you meet countless new faces. Very few of them become the type of friend Sagar is. I first met Sagar during our time at Rutgers. Since then every time we hang out seems to end up as a crazy, and memorable night. One of these times that comes to mind involves a Mickey Mouse, and a pair of ripped pants. Here's to my amazing friend Sagar, and never sharing a dull moment together.
Pavan Patel
I met Sagar during the very early years of high school and nothing has ever stayed the same. I can truly say that if not for him being from London, we would never had decided to cross paths! To recollect all the memories we have made after that moment would be a challenge in itself, but some of the most fond ones have been those that we have spent together. From the times we spent late afternoons sleeping over and seeing Hindi movies (only because our other friends hated them or did not understand them like us) to when we visited random restaurants to get Indian food and decided to go to the gym because we felt guilty, he has become more like another brother that I could always count on to participate in the things I love most. Besides these wonderful times, we have traveled together more than anyone around the world (India, Dubai, China, etc.) to visit some of the most intriguing places on this planet. Finding friends that hold the same values as you can be hard to come upon, but since the very first time we came across each other - I knew that this friendship would be one that would last a lifetime. Seeing him work hard in college to growing into having a successful working life, it is my pleasure to see him take the next step in life with Anshu and her family. I wish them the best as she becomes a permanent 3rd wheel in our friendship and am looking forward to the fun we have planned for everyone in the wedding!
Prashant Patel
Meeting Sagar was not only a privilege but a blessing. Pavan and I first met Sagar in our Physics class in our senior year of high school. We used to wonder who the "new Indian kid" in our class was as he always kept to himself and never really said much. It didn't take long for that shy, monotone color wearing kid to become one of our best friends. We started hanging out with volleyball afternoons, where he met a lot of our other friends. This quickly became the wonderful group of friends we have today! Sagar is one of the most caring, honest and down to earth guys I know. It doesn't take a lot to make him happy... maybe a few dishes of chicken, biryani, raita and four or five desserts a night and you're good to go! But all jokes aside, Sagar and Anshu make a wonderful couple and share the happiness in a way that everyone around them can see. I always say that Anshu is the one who got Sagar to start wearing brighter colors and made him a much happier person. Sagar, I'm glad you've found the girl of your dreams and I am honored to be a part of your special day. I wish you both a lifetime of happiness!
Ramnath Brahma
Sagar and I happened to bump heads at the Mattia 3rd floor freshman orientation and we haven't looked back since. Having taken every single class with him through undergrad, I have many fond memories with the Sagar and the happy couple. My fondest memories of Sagar go back to the early days at RU. We were inseparable the first couple weeks. Even before he met Anshu's parents, he met my parents and impressed them by speaking hindi and complementing my mother's culinary skills. There was a period of time when we went to the gym together. He came back one day and got us all riled up about a "pilots" class. Everyone in the room was so confused, "What the heck is a pilots class?" Since we were engineers, we thought that he was talking about an engineering class. It turns out that he was not talking about anything scientific. He wanted to take "Pilates".

Sagar and I were also very envious of the Rutgers Asian Acapella Group(RAAG) and RU Bhangra. We would sit and watch youtube videos of the different performances so that we could get good enough to try out. We even came up with our own tandem Bhangra dance that others have tried to imitate from time to time. Sagar and I enjoyed going to Red Robin our junior/senior years and eating fat sandwiches our freshman/sophomore years. I have known Sagar to be a man of exquisite taste when it comes to food. He has an uncanny ability to filter out every single spice in Indian food and every seasoning when it comes to Italian food. Even though we have taken different paths after graduation, every time I talk to Sagar the conversation still continues from the last time. Congrats to Sagar and Anshu.
Sameer Trivedi
I’ve known Sagar since high school, and it wasn’t long before we became good friends. When it comes to mentioning someone with strong character and moral resolve, there’s no one that advocates them more than Sagar. When it comes to someone with a penchant for fright, there’s no one further from it than Sagar. I remember in Rutgers, when our friends circle went through a phase in which we would explore the Weird New Jersey sites. For those not familiar with the sites, it’s a bunch of spooky places in NJ that have an ominous feel to them. Regardless, I remember going to the “Devil’s Tree” with Sagar and a few of my friends and this dude would not leave the car and would start screaming when we opened up his door… moral of the story is that you can trust Sagar with a bank balance but not with a spider, despite being born on Halloween.