Louise Vaughan
Maid of Honour
Big sister and Maid of Honour. Louise has the responsibility of ensuring everyone is ready on time. She has the responsibility to sign the register and make sure we are legally wed!
Maria Masters

Maria is my oldest friend (30+ years and counting!). Maria is in charge of bringing the fun, watch out for a dance off!

Ciara Vaughan
Bridesmaid, niece, god daughter. Its not often you have a mother and daughter as bridesmaids. Ciara will keep us young! She will ensure we have fun but also keep us in line. She holds the responsibility to wrangle the younger members of the party.
Kayleigh Ingham
Steve has decided to have Stevesmen instead of Groomsmen. Kayleigh is one of Steves oldest friends. She has the responsibility to sign the register and make sure we are legally wed!
Andrew Moodie

Another of Steve's oldest friends. Andy is responsible for the rings - no pressure! He is currently working on his speech. Expect lots of laughs, maybe a few tears but definitely lots of (embarrassing) stories.

Matthew Brown

The final Stevesman. Matt has been part of Steve's life for a long time and there was no doubt that Steve would want him by his side on the big day. Matt will help to keep Steve calm and relaxed. 

Thalia Ingham
Thalia is the daughter of Steves Stevesman, Kayleigh. We have been asked to be her guardian and she is like a niece to us. It wouldn't be the same without her.
Amelia Paton
Amelia, known as Amy, is our eldest niece on the Reilly side. She did a great job at her mum and dads wedding so we couldn't not ask her! She has experience in the role and we look forward to seeing her in action.
Beau McMahon
Page Boy
Beau was asked to be page boy when he was just 4 months old. He is looking forward to hanging out with the girls and his other cousins. Give him a high 5 when you see him.
Lucy Paton
Flower Girl
Lucy is our youngest niece and flower girl. This little smiler was assigned the role before she was even born.
Éanna McMahon
Page Boy

Our youngest nephew! Éanna will join us as our littlest page boy. Although he is currently a night owl, he will only make a short guest appearance.

Colm Vaughan
Colm is our eldest nephew. He will be on hand to welcome you and ensure you can find a seat. He will direct you to the table plan but his core duties are top secret for now!
Ryan Vaughan
Ryan is our middle nephew. He was delighted to be asked to be Usher and we know he will be great at his duties. He will be on hand to welcome you and ensure you can find a seat. He will direct you to the table plan but his core duties are top secret for now!