The first meeting

February 2017, Shaw, Washington DC

They both showed up with friends to a small house party. Erica was wearing an unforgettable red dress. Joe made sure to position himself next to her for card games. They finished the night with drinks at American Ice Company near U street. Neil, Ramzi & Monica from the bridal party were all there to witness the couple’s first meeting.

The first date

February 2017, Provision 14, Washington DC

A week later they met for drinks. Joe was warm (or nervous?) he asked to move tables in the middle of the meal because he was sweating through his thick black sweater. Erica was unfazed, gracious, and easy going as always. She found his nervousness endearing.

Making it official

April 2017, Columbia Heights, Washington DC

Joe asked Erica to be his girlfriend on April Fool’s Day. The choice of date was an accident, but it made the anniversary difficult to forget in future years. 

Their first vacation

October 2017, California

The couple drove the Pacific Coast Highway from San Diego to San Francisco. Along the way Joe met Alex Van Dorn, Erica’s brother, for the first time.

Their first home

March 2018, Columbia Heights, Washington DC

In 2018 the couple moved into their first apartment in Columbia Heights. In anticipation of the move Erica donated a closet worth of clothes to charity and Joe cleared enough counter space for Erica’s collection of coffee making instruments.

The proposal

August 2020, Washington DC

Joe surprised Erica on a beautiful summer night on steps of the Jefferson Memorial. A light rain earlier in the evening cleared out the crowds so they were alone (except for one passerby who took this photo).

A new chapter

July 2021, Boston, MA

The couple moved north for Joe’s fellowship in pediatric emergency medicine and Erica’s new job with Ernst and Young Consulting. They settled into the South End neighborhood of Boston.