Our Love Story

If you ask about Harini & Dev's love story, Harini might say it was love at first sight! She saw Dev in his natural element, dancing away at the UCSD end-of-year Indian Culture Show, and knew this was it (even though Dev didn't know it yet).

Fast forward to Harini now attending UCSD, she is determined to flip the romantic roles and doesn't wait for her knight in shining armor to sweep her off her feet. She pursues Dev and the rest was history!

From star-crossed strangers, to acquaintances, to best friends, to lifelong partners. This almost 9 year journey in the making is finally coming to fruition in the ultimate celebration of love with their wedding.

Our first picture together
Celebrating Harini's 21st!
Attending our first wedding
Valentines Day!
Travel Diaries - Montreal
Travel Diaries - Portland
After getting court married!