We met over 10 years ago on a little island called Gilli T, in Indonesia. Our first date was at a warung where we ate lobster – this was way less glamorous and way more reckless than it sounds. On the last night we went to a party on a cliff, but stepped outside so we could hear each other. We spent most of the night outside, lying on the ground, feet up on a rail, smoking cloves cigarettes and chatting, waves crashing beneath us. At the end I told Josh that I probably would’ve loved him, had I had the chance to know him better.
And that was that, we parted ways never to see each other again.

Except we did, again and again, despite reason and sense. We met everywhere, every chance we got, sometimes spending 6 months apart. As hard as it was, this gave us space to grow as individuals, while giving us time to know each other better. It was all a bit mad, but we eventually moved to the UK where we have created a home together.
Josh proposed on a beach in South Africa, about three months before covid hit. And despite wedding plans being brought to a halt, life wasn’t, and we stayed happy and very much in love.

We are now so excited to finally make forever promises and party with our loved ones.