Sam Gold
Richard's Brother & Best Man
When you are at the wedding, you will likely see someone there who looks an awful lot like me (Richard, that is). Except he will have blue eyes and will be far less of a nervous wreck than I will be. Do not be alarmed - just know that that is my brother and best man, Sam.

I've moved all over the US and even to the UK in my life, and through it all, Sam has not only been my rock, but also someone I could mold in my own image (probably why he looks so much like me and also likes Twin Peaks).
Matt Parson
Paul's Best Man
M.A.T.T. stands for Partner In Crime Cousin. Well, not really. But he is. Matt is one of the most reliably funny, kind, smart and great people I know. So, expect a fantastic wedding speech.
Helaine Karp
Paul's Mother
This pint-sized lady is the best mother I could ask for! She has always pushed me to be the best I can be and I am so grateful for her support and love. PS Her name is HELAINE. Not Helene (although that is Richard's mother), Helen, Melanie, etc.
stu karp
Paul's Father
Boy, have I learned a lot from this guy. You can probably attribute most of my sense of humor to him and my sense of adventure (probably some other senses too). I'm so thrilled to share this special day with him!
Art Gold
Richard's Father
When I was a kid, I remember how, when I would say things at the dinner table, my father would respond in 1 of 2 ways - he would either argue the opposite point of view, or dig deeper with questions for more information and details which, 99.9% of the time, I didn't have. This usually resulted in me leaving in the dinner table in tears and retreating to my room. (This ritual continues to this day.)

What I didn't realize at the time was that my father was teaching me to be analytical, a critical thinker, and, you know, just all-around smart.

I will probably never come close to approaching his level of intelligence, but I'm hoping that one day soon, I'm going to win an argument with him. Someday. Maybe.
Helene Gold
Richard's Mother
There isn't enough room here to list all of Helene's wonderful qualities, but suffice to say she's one of the loveliest, kindest, sweetest, gentlest, big-hearted people you'll ever meet, with a generosity of spirit that is unparalleled. (And a damn good singing voice, too, by the way.) I've been very lucky to have her for a mom, and you'll be equally fortune to meet and get to know her on the big day.