Our (Long Distance/Short) Story

A lot of love stories begin with smooth pickup lines, romantic gestures, candlelit dinners, (the works). Liza & Sean had a slightly different start.

Rewind 7 years ago, when both were attending different colleges and had previously only met via FaceTIme during their wild college nights. One weekend on a brisk February night, Sean found his way down to Montclair, NJ where the two finally met in person, well the conversation consisted of "Hi, I'm Sean," which simply won Liza over.

After the weekend was over Sean feverishly stared at his phone the whole car ride home debating on whether he was going to shoot the first text or not. Right before the boys entered into New York State Sean received a text from his known crush and waited a whole two minutes to reply, well and the rest was history.

The two come from different worlds but have found a best friend for life in one another. Liza & Sean have a mutual love for Impractical Jokers, Korean BBQ, and weekend activities (though Sean would like to sleep in past 8am for once).

On February 20, 2021 (just 2 days short of the exact date they met on) Seany rented out the biggest, most beautiful room he could find at the infamous Wythe Hotel in Brooklyn NY, got down on one knee, and popped the question many had been waiting for.

The love story that is to be continued...