Monique de Jager
Maid of Honour

"I never try to make anyone my best friend because I already have one and she is my sister"

Nicolene Theart

"Side by side or miles apart we are sisters connected by the heart"

Mia van Niekerk

"The word Aunt, became very special in my life, after you were born"

Gillian Williams

"Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart"

Annie Williams

"There are friends, there is family, and then there are friends that become family"

Robert Kennedy

"Because brothers don't let each other wander in the dark alone"

Andrew Kennedy

"No one else will love you like I do. All I want is for you to be the best man that you can be"

Andrew Conlon

"You can always tell a real friend: when you’ve made a fool of yourself he doesn’t feel you’ve done a permanent job. "

Jacques Joubert

"A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out."

Bradley Marsh

"It's one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them."

Bronson Brady
Master of Ceremonies

"Did you hear the one about......."

I wanted to make a short toast of my own. I’ve known Danielle and Brandon for a few years now, and I’ve seen them make a lot of tough decisions together. Some good decisions and some not-so-good decisions. I’m just glad that I could be here today to witness them make the best decision of their lives . . . . . . . choosing me as their MC.

Matthew van Niekerk
Paige Boy

"When God made nephews, I got the best one"

Daniella de Jager

"To have a niece as wonderful as you, makes me one of the lucky few"

Isabella Kennedy

"Brought together by blood, kept together by love"

Parents of the Bride
Nico & Nicky Wiid

I will never take for granted
how greatly I've been blessed;
For when it comes to parents,
Mom and Dad, you are the best!.

You nurtured and protected me
and taught me with great care.
And every time I've needed you,
you were always there.

If you could look into my heart
how quickly you would see,
the special place you hold there,
and how much you mean to me.

May you receive the blessings
you are so deserving of
for your caring, and your sharing,
and each sacrifice of love.

And may you carry in your hearts
these words forever true...
No parents anywhere on earth
could be more loved than you.

Parents of the Groom
Paul & Lynn Kennedy

I can't repay the lessons That you taught when I was small.
Or give you gift for gift The daily treasures I recall...
I can't return encouragement And loving words of praise.
In quite the way you did for me Through all my childhood days.
But there is one gift that I can give, It's all the love you've earned.
For love is what you always taught... And love is what I learned

"Gone but never forgotten Dad"
Frank Vos

“When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.”

Always and Forever in my heart!

Danielle xxx