I said “Yes”

Do you know what today is....it’s our anniversary! December 22nd 2018 we had hit our one year mark! I was racing across town to try and get Trea an anniversary gift, I wanted to get him the Apple AirPods that had just came out but they were sold out everywhere so I settled with cologne. Our first year together was full of ups and downs but we remained solid and stood together through it all. I knew he was the man for me. Trea told me we would be having dinner at Ocean Prime where he asked me to be his girlfriend, I was excited to get dressed up and go out. Before we walked out of the door I almost had forgot his gift and card so I went back up the stairs to get it and Trea made a comment like “oh I didn’t know we were getting each other gifts” I played it cool and didn’t say what I was really thinking but in the back of my mind I was thinking “what in the world, it’s our anniversary why wouldn’t you get me a gift”.......we get to the restaurant and have an amazing dinner, Trea pretends to have a nose bleed and “goes to the bathroom” he comes back and everything is back to normal. Then he gets up Again because “his nose is about to bleed again” at that point I’m thinking to myself wow that’s weird but I’m not paying it much attention....this time when Trea comes back I see my whole family and his family walking towards the table and our waitress walking out with cheesecake and written on the cheesecake is “Will you marry me”.....I couldn’t believe it!! Without a doubt....I said yes <3

Our Story

Who would have thought that Liberty Mutual Insurance would put us together. Well it all started back in 2017, we both worked in the catastrophe department as claims adjusters. We were in a meeting and one of our former managers mentioned “Kansas City” since that’s where I’m from in all. Well it took Trea awhile to ask me my name so when we would see each other in passing he would say “what’s up Kansas City” and I would smile and say it back. Somehow we ALWAYS ended up arriving to work at the same time ( I’m convinced he would wait in his car till he saw me pull up but that’s another story) we would walk in, get on the elevator, and go about our day....until one day, I see a message on Skype pop up on my computer....it was Trea. He was trying to be all cool and all and asked me if I was going to a work event. We ended up IM’ing all day & before you know it the day was over, Trea gave me his number and told me to “text him”...me being me....I didn’t text him lol I wanted him to approach me first so the following week when Trea Skyped me I gave him my number...he fell into the trap and texted me and that’s where it all began. Long story short...we developed a really good friendship...I would cook for him and he would bring me coffee to work. I really started liking him. One night he was over and tried to play me like I was weak...he made a bet that I couldn’t do 20 push ups ( I did the push ups with ease) so he owed me a GOOD date. Trea took me out to dinner to Ocean Prime and on December 22nd 2018 he asked me to be his girlfriend....I said yes & we were official <3