
Aug 10, 2019

Félicitations et meilleurs vœux de bonheur de la part de Christiane et Jean-Charles , nous sommes heureux d’être avec vous aujourd’hui...

Jul 24, 2019

Never a dull moment with you two love birds

Jul 10, 2019

Congratulations Agnes and Xuan!!  We are sooooo EXCITED to join you love birds in beautiful Tuscany!!!  Counting the days...... Joyce and Ted :)

Jun 25, 2019

Rana and I look forward to Tuscany 

Apr 12, 2019

Bernard and I are delighted to accept your wedding invitation on August tenth 2019. We wish you all the best in the future. Looking forward to meeting you in Florence. Warmest regards, Bernard & Ruriko Tézé

Apr 7, 2019

Félicitations Agnès et Xiang!Carole, Gerard et Paul attendent avec impatience votre mariage en Toscane. Pierre et Martin seront que en pensées avec vous ce jour là

Apr 4, 2019

Congrats, looking forward to see you two in Italy 

Mar 1, 2019

I would never miss this beloved event dear Agnès I know for your first months...I really wish to meet Xuan and I am so happy to chart with you ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Feb 20, 2019

I’m so excited to witness the union of these two! What a manifestation of beautiful, unconditional love :) cheers!
